At the meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, key areas of the country's development until 2052 are discussed

21:33 11.02.2022 10230

 This morning, the work of an extraordinary meeting of the upper chamber of the Parliament of Turkmenistan began.  In Ashgabat, it is held in the format of digital video communication in the Maslahat Palace, in the Akhal region – in the «Türkmeniň ak öý» building, in the Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary regions – in the Rukhyet Palaces, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

 Parliamentarians, together with representatives of the public, will consider the main trends in the country's socio-economic development in a new era for the next 30 years.  Topical tasks affecting the main spheres of the life of the state, as well as issues of the well-being of the population of Turkmenistan will be discussed.

 During the break between meetings of the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh, deputies and members of the public will take part in a festive sadaka.

 The meeting will also consider and approve the Development Program of Turkmenistan for the next 30 years.

 In January, at a government meeting, Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, reporting on the draft National Program for the Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052, listed the large-scale scope of the tasks envisaged by this Program.  Among them are the structural transformation of the economy, the further introduction of effective mechanisms in the conditions of market economic relations, and the preservation of macroeconomic and financial stability.

 A special place in the program is given to such areas as the rational use of natural resources, the dynamic development of industrial and oil and gas complexes due to the diversification of production, innovative technologies and full utilization of capacities;  use of renewable energy sources, including in the field of hydrogen energy.

 The draft Program also reflects the issues of environmental protection, the implementation of the «green economy» policy;  widespread introduction of the digital economy and digital technologies.  In the transport sector, the formation of multimodal transport corridors and routes is envisaged.

 The program also touches upon the issues of ensuring food security, the production of environmentally friendly agricultural products;  dynamic development of competitive, export-oriented and import-substituting industries.

 The program also provides for the improvement of a favorable business environment, a significant increase in the share of the private sector in GDP, the development of public-private partnerships;  implementation of an effective investment policy, wide attraction of foreign investments;  cardinal improvement of the social and living standards of the population due to the dynamic, stable and comprehensive development of the national economy.

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