The Democratic Party of Turkmenistan nominated Serdar Berdimuhamedov as a candidate for the post of President of the country

20:54 15.02.2022 9966

 Vice-Chairman Serdar Berdimuhamedov has become the first candidate for the post of head of state in the upcoming early presidential elections in Turkmenistan.  His candidacy was nominated and unanimously supported at the IX Extraordinary Congress of the country's Democratic Party, held on Monday.

 Speakers at the congress of the Democratic Party noted the excellent leadership and organizational qualities of the candidate for the post of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.  As a modest and sympathetic person, a good family man and a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, he earned the respect of his colleagues.

 Speaking to the audience, Serdar Berdimuhamedov assured that if he was elected to the post of President of the country, he would continue to follow the spiritual principles and heritage of his ancestors, sparing no effort for the sake of the Motherland and the prosperity of the people, diligently and creatively approach the implementation of the historical undertakings of the leader of the nation  .

 “The main goal of all my concerns will always be the happy life of our people, the transformation of our state into a progressive country of a new era,” Serdar Berdimuhamedov said.

 Recalling that at the recent meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh, held on February 11, the National Program for the Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan until 2052 was approved, Serdar Berdimuhamedov assured that he would make every effort to implement the plans.

 “I firmly believe in our people, in their lofty and unshakable spirit, that, by joining forces, we will work to further transform our Motherland, strengthening the faith of President Arkadag in a bright and happy future,” said the candidate for the post of head of state.

 The Vice-Chairman also expressed confidence that the members of the Democratic Party will support the implementation of grandiose undertakings and works, based on the principle «The state is for the person!».

 The campaign to nominate candidates for the post of President of Turkmenistan continues.  The names of other contenders for a high state post will soon become known.

 In accordance with the decision of the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan, on February 14, the first stage of the election campaign for early elections of the President of the country started – the nomination of candidates.  Elections are scheduled for March 12, 2022.

 In accordance with the Electoral Code of Turkmenistan, the right to nominate candidates belongs to political parties registered before the day the elections are called, as well as to groups of citizens.  Political parties nominate presidential candidates at their congresses.

 There are 3 political parties in Turkmenistan – the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan, the Agrarian Party of Turkmenistan and the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

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