Voters of the Lebap region met with the candidate for the post of President of Turkmenistan from the Democratic Party

18:30 25.02.2022 3465

 On Wednesday, a meeting of voters with Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov, nominated by the Democratic Party as a candidate for the post of President of Turkmenistan, was held in the conference hall of the hyakimlik of the Lebap velayat, the state news agency TDH reports.

 The event was attended by representatives of labor collectives of all sectors of the economy of the region, public organizations, farmers, honorary elders.

 Introducing the audience with the election program, the contender for the highest public position identified the continuation of the cardinal reforms initiated in Turkmenistan, which are designed to ensure the progressive prosperity of the Homeland, social protection of the population, and strengthen the country's authority on the world stage, as a priority direction of state policy.

 At the same time, the main task was the successful implementation of the country's development program for the next 30 years, developed on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and adopted at the meeting of annual Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh on February 11 this year.

 Among the reforms aimed at the future, S. Berdimuhamedov outlined the development of the gas chemical sector of the economy on a comprehensive basis through the rational use of the huge resource potential of the industry, the construction of new specialized industrial enterprises in the region.

 It was also noted that great attention will be paid to the formation of a modern transport system and the construction industry in the eastern region of the country, through which the Great Silk Road once ran.

 The contender for the post of President of Turkmenistan placed particular emphasis on the fact that the workers of this region grow rich crops of cotton, wheat, vegetables and melons.  In this context, among the primary tasks are the creation of food abundance, ensuring a stable growth of agricultural production through the expansion and support of daikhan associations, their complete technical re-equipment, modernization of the agro-industrial complex, the construction of modern processing enterprises, and improving the social and living conditions of rural workers.

 Tourism was also named among the priority vectors, for the development of which there are all opportunities in the eastern region.  In this context, it was emphasized that the Lebap region, known for its historical and cultural monuments and nature reserves of state, regional and global significance, unique beauties, is of particular interest to tourists from all over the world.

 Reconstruction of highways of the region, creation of new jobs, construction of residential complexes, new villages, modern educational and healthcare institutions, various infrastructure facilities are also identified as urgent tasks.

 The candidate for the post of the President of Turkmenistan also said that special attention will be paid to the creation both in the country and in the eastern region of all conditions for a mass physical culture and health movement, the development of high performance sports.

 Serdar Berdimuhamedov assured the audience that if he is elected to the highest state post, he will selflessly and tirelessly work for the further prosperity of the Fatherland.

 The agitation phase of the election campaign will end in Turkmenistan on March 9.

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