Mutual potential of Turkmen-American cooperation can be used much more widely, - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

20:13 03.03.2022 2872

 On Wednesday, the annual political consultations between Turkmenistan and the United States continued with the participation of representatives of relevant ministries and departments of the two countries, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports.

 During the consultations held in the format of videoconferencing, it was indicated that the United States is one of the important trade and economic partners of Turkmenistan.  The largest American companies have been successfully working in the Turkmen market for a long time in such important segments as transport, fuel and energy complex, pharmaceuticals and others.

 At the same time, it was emphasized that the mutual potential can be used much more widely, first of all, taking into account the diversification of the economy of Turkmenistan, the implementation of large national and international infrastructure projects in the energy and transport sectors.

 There are great prospects in terms of attracting American investment and technology in the development of science-intensive and innovative industries in Turkmenistan.

 The parties also paid special attention to environmental issues.  The relevance of building up an effective bilateral and multilateral dialogue in this segment was noted.

 In their concluding remarks, the heads of delegations praised the results of the current round of bilateral consultations, which demonstrated the commonality of approaches on a number of important topics.

 It was specifically stated that the dynamic, consistent and systemic nature is a distinctive feature of the interaction of Turkmenistan with the United States, aimed at long-term partnership.

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