Early voting for the presidential elections in Turkmenistan has started

20:15 03.03.2022 2972


 On Wednesday, early voting for the presidential elections in our country began, the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper reports today.

 All 2577 polling stations in Turkmenistan are fully prepared for work.  There are also 41 polling stations, formed abroad at the diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan, waiting for their voters.

 Earlier, the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums, having considered the documents submitted by political parties and initiative groups, registered nine candidates for the President of Turkmenistan.

 From the Democratic Party of the country, Vice-Chairman Serdar Berdimuhamedov was nominated as a candidate.  From the Agrarian Party – Agajan Bekmyradov – Deputy Hyakim of Mary region.  The Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs nominated the director of the «Wepaly Gurlushyk» Economic Society Babamyrat Meredov.

 From the initiative group of citizens of the Lebap region, the director of the financial and economic secondary vocational school of the Lebap region, Perkhat Begenjov, became a candidate.

 An initiative group of citizens of the Balkan region nominated the chief physician of the Avaza sanatorium, deputy of the Mejlis Milli Gengesh Berdymammet Gurbanov.

 Maksatmyrat Ovezgeldiyev, the head of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Babadaykhan etrap of the Akhal region, has been nominated as a candidate from the initiative group of citizens of the Akhal region.

 From the initiative group of citizens of the Mary region, the director of the research and production center «Renewable Energy Sources» of the State Energy Institute Kakageldi Sariyev was nominated.

 An initiative group of citizens of the Dashoguz region elected Maksat Odeshov, chairman of the committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan of the etrap named after M.  Saparmurat Turkmenbashi.

 From the initiative group of citizens of the city of Ashgabat, Khydyr Nunnaev, vice-rector for scientific work of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, candidate of pedagogical sciences, was nominated.

 Candidates for the President of the country were nominated on a free and equal basis, and the procedure for nomination and registration itself was open in compliance with the requirements of national legislation.

 In accordance with the Electoral Code, the early voting procedure is primarily provided for citizens who, for one reason or another, on Election Day March 12, will not be able to come to their polling station and cast their vote for the most worthy candidate.  You can vote from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

 At the moment, monitoring of elections, in addition to national ones, is carried out by foreign observers from the Commonwealth of Independent States.

 Currently, the publication of biographical data and keynote speeches of each of the candidates continues.  Equal airtime for candidates for the highest state post was provided by national television channels.

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