EBRD offers assistance to Turkmenistan in extinguishing the crater in Darvaza

20:11 09.03.2022 9094


 The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) offered Turkmenistan its assistance in solving the problem of gas emissions from the crater in Darvaza.

 This proposal was addressed to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov by EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso, whose letter was published on the website of the State News Agency of Turkmenistan.

 The letter says that the EBRD is following with great interest «the recent decision of the government of Turkmenistan to pay attention to the problem of the burning gas crater in Darvaza».

 “In accordance with the priorities of our Country Strategy, we would like to express our interest in supporting Turkmenistan in the study of possible technical and economic options for stopping the flaring of associated gas”, the letter says.

 Basso also says that the EBRD will explore «the possibility of mobilizing donor funds to organize and prepare a feasibility study to assist the government of Turkmenistan in identifying all suitable options to reduce harmful CO2 and methane emissions from the Darvaza crater».

 “The EBRD, in cooperation with the Turkmen colleagues, could prepare the relevant terms of reference, select and conclude a contract with qualified consultants, as well as establish a working group with the relevant ministries and departments of Turkmenistan to ensure that all available knowledge and experience is fully used in the development of the study,” the letter says.

 Basso noted that «we are ready to discuss the potential participation of the EBRD during an online meeting at any convenient time».

 He also expressed appreciation on behalf of the EBRD for the efforts and commitment of Turkmenistan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as announced by Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov during his speech at the COP26 forum in Glasgow in 2021.

 Basso noted that the EBRD welcomes the progress made by Turkmenistan in improving the national legal framework through the adoption of the National Climate Change Strategy, the National Strategy for the Development of Renewable Energy Sources until 2030 and the new Law of Turkmenistan “On Renewable Energy Sources”.

 It should be noted that in January of this year, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of our country to extinguish the gas crater in Darvaza, which has been burning for 50 years.  In this regard, Berdimuhamedov instructed Deputy Prime Minister Sh. Abdrakhmanov to gather scientists, and, if necessary, to attract foreign consultants and find a solution to this problem.

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