Serdar Berdimuhamedov: Turkmenistan is ready to further develop partnership with China

19:16 17.03.2022 3566

 Newly elected President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in a telephone conversation with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday, confirmed his readiness to further develop a multifaceted partnership with China, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

 During the conversation, the President of the People's Republic of China, having warmly congratulated the newly elected head of the Turkmen state on his victory in the elections, wished him great success in his responsible work in this important post.

 The newly elected President of Turkmenistan, for his part, confirmed his readiness to continue the foreign policy course initiated by the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, further develop a multifaceted partnership with China, and fully support the ideas and proposals for deepening and building up Turkmen-Chinese cooperation.

 In continuation of the conversation, the parties emphasized the effective nature of interstate cooperation, which is successfully developing in the political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

 It was noted that the two countries have established productive cooperation in a wide range of industries.  For many years, China has been one of the major trading partners of Turkmenistan.

 The fuel and energy sector has been identified among the priorities of the bilateral partnership, where the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China transnational gas pipeline, through which Turkmen «blue fuel» is supplied to China, is a symbol of mutually beneficial cooperation.

 During the conversation, it was noted that there is a solid potential for a systematic increase in cooperation in the fuel and energy complex, as well as in industrial, transport and communication, logistics, technology and other sectors of the economy.  The significant role is given to the activities of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Chinese Committee for Cooperation.

 Before speaking with the newly elected president of Turkmenistan, Xi Jinping spoke by phone with the current head of the Turkmen state, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who announced the results of the March 12 presidential election.

 Noting that according to the results of the popular vote announced by the CEC, Serdar Berdimuhamedov was elected President of Turkmenistan, the Turkmen leader announced his intention to continue his active work as the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh of the country.

 Taking the opportunity, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov thanked Xi Jinping for his great personal contribution to strengthening the Turkmen-Chinese cooperation and fruitful joint work.

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