The International Investment Forum «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan» started its work in Ashgabat

19:30 29.03.2022 9750

 Today, the International Investment Forum «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan» (OGT-2022) began its work at the Ashgabat Yyldyz Hotel at 13:00.  On the same day, a teleconference will be held with the participants of the Dubai International Exhibition EXPO – 2020.

 The forum is organized by the State Concerns «Turkmennebit», «Turkmengas», «Turkmenchemistry» and the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» in partnership with the Turkmen Forum and the British company GaffneyCline, the OGT-2022 press release says.

 At the beginning of the International Conference, Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Shakhym Abdrakhmanov read out the greeting address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to its participants.  As the head of state emphasized in his address, Turkmenistan is known on the world stage as a reliable partner. And therefore, many foreign companies are participating in this forum, which, together with Turkmen specialists, will have the opportunity to share their experience gained over many years, to exchange views on new areas of interaction.

 The President expressed his firm confidence that this international investment forum would become an effective platform for the exchange of experience between domestic and foreign specialists, the establishment of further large-scale cooperation, and the discussion of mutually beneficial projects.

 The head of state also focused on the fact that for the development of one of the leading sectors of the national economy – the fuel and energy complex – large-scale projects are being implemented in our country.  And the interest of foreign partners is primarily due to the scale of the transformations being implemented in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan, as well as the high level of cooperation with the world's leading oil and gas companies.

 The list of delegates for the event, which is held simultaneously and online, includes representatives of major energy companies, including CNPC, SOCAR, Dragon Oil, TAPI, Mitro International, Westport Trading Europe Limited, Haldor Topsoe, NAPECO and Yug-Neftegaz.

 The conference will be attended by international energy organizations – oil exporting countries (OPEC), the International Energy Agency (IEA), the French Gas Association and the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA).

 The discussions will also be attended by representatives of financial and banking institutions – the Asian Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank and the Abu Dhabi Development Fund.

The two-day forum will cover topics such as the future of energy;  the role of Turkmenistan in ensuring regional energy security;  opportunities for investment projects in the new energy era;  the role of financial institutions in supporting sustainable energy;  innovative technologies and know-how in hydrocarbon production;  reduction of associated gas emissions;  international cooperation in the field of processing and transportation of hydrocarbons.

 The international forum will also become an important platform for negotiations, which will bring together the CEOs of oil and gas companies of Turkmenistan, the largest factories, representatives and heads of foreign companies and banks of regional and global importance, members of the Turkmen government and curators of major international and national energy projects.

 The Forum sets as its main goals the promotion of the dynamic development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan, its diversification, modernization, expansion of export opportunities to the world market, attraction of foreign capital, search, study and development of the country's oil and gas fields on land and in the shelf zone of the Caspian Sea.

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