Turkmenistan is a reliable long-term gas partner of China, - Vice President of CNPC

02:47 31.03.2022 3534


 - Energy cooperation between China and Turkmenistan has established strong ties and brought fruitful results, - Huang Yongzhang, Vice President of the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) said, speaking at the International Oil and Gas Forum of Turkmenistan-2022.

 - We will further deepen it in the field of natural gas development and promote the large-scale development of the oil and gas sector in both countries.  Focusing on the sustainable supply of clean energy in the future, promoting the accelerated development of new energy, new materials and new activities, CNPC sees natural gas as a key pillar in the future energy system and an important starting point for realizing its own energy, -  businessman said.

 He stressed that “Turkmenistan, having rich natural gas reserves, is a reliable long-term gas partner of China.  Over the years, under the personal care and leadership of the heads of state of the two countries, the Turkmen-Chinese cooperation in the field of natural gas has achieved fruitful results”.

 At present, CNPC has purchased more than 300 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Turkmenistan, which has effectively contributed to the economic development of the two countries and improved people's living standards, Huang Yongzhang continued.

 At the same time, he added that CNPC and Turkmen partners «are constantly deepening cooperation in the field of innovative technologies, training of highly qualified personnel in the oil and gas industry and other areas, which contributes to cultural exchange between the two countries and ties between our friendly peoples».

 “In the future, under the strategic leadership of the heads of the two states, we will further strengthen cooperation in the field of natural gas, adhere to the principle of mutual benefit, open up opportunities for Turkmenistan to enter the large Chinese market, contribute to the large-scale development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan, increase trade and enter a new  chapter in friendship and cooperation between China and Turkmenistan,” the Chinese businessman mentioned.

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