The International Investment Forum «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan» ended in Ashgabat

23:28 31.03.2022 10512

 On Wednesday, the second and final day of the International Investment Forum «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan» was held in the capital of Turkmenistan, within the framework of which the leading oil and gas companies made presentations on new developments and accumulated experience in the industry.

 On the second day, the participants discussed a wide range of issues in four thematic sessions: “Opportunities for investment projects in the new energy era”;  «The role of financial institutions in supporting sustainable energy»;  «Innovative technologies and know-how in hydrocarbon production and reduction of associated gas emissions»;  «Experience, potential and prospects of international cooperation in the field of processing and transportation of hydrocarbons».

 For example, Bayrammyrat Pirniyazov, Director of the Natural Gas Research Institute of the State Concern «Turkmengas», spoke about the work done to solve the problem of extinguishing the crater in Darvaza.  As known, the task of extinguishing the Darvaza crater and stopping harmful gas emissions was set by the government of the country for the specialists of the oil and gas complex in January 2022.

 The speaker added that proposals were received from scientists from Belarus and Slovenia to solve this problem, and invited interested specialists to participate in the implementation of this unique project.

 Dovran Chishiev, Director General of the Turkmenbashan Complex of Oil Refineries, spoke about new projects to modernize the production facilities of the Turkmenbashan complex of oil refineries.

 In this regard, it was noted that an important area of ​​the industry is the production of environmentally friendly, more profitable, high value-added petroleum products.  An example in this direction is the hydrotreated diesel fuel produced at the enterprise, which has high-quality and environmental characteristics of the Euro 5.

 Recently, the range of the complex has also been replenished with Jet A-1 brand jet fuel, new brands of bioxial-oriented polypropylene film and high-quality synthetic oil for cars.  A component of high-octane motor gasolines – alkylate, obtained by chemical synthesis of butane derivatives, was set up and put into production.

 The production of high-octane environmentally friendly gasoline AI-98, which meets the requirements of Euro-5 and Euro-6, has also been launched.

 At present, the commercial products of the TCOR are represented by numerous types and brands of refined products.  Among them are liquefied petroleum gas, various brands of motor gasoline, a wide range of kerosenes, various types of diesel fuel, base, synthetic, semi-synthetic and commercial oils, petroleum and calcined coke, various grades of petroleum bitumen, as well as products of petrochemical synthesis in the form of homopolymers and  their derivatives.

 Every year, to optimize and modernize production, the company regularly introduces updated and improved chemicals and additives through cooperation and joint pilot tests with world leaders in this industry.

 It was also noted that the complex of oil refineries aims to expand production and, in the future, to provide new technological power plants, it is building two gas turbine electric units.  Their commissioning will contribute to uninterrupted and reliable power supply to existing and new technological facilities of the complex.

 In addition to a number of other reports and presentations made on the second day of the forum, bilateral meetings were held between representatives of the Turkmen fuel and energy complex with foreign partners.  At the talks, specific vectors for further cooperation were discussed.

 The current International Forum, which was attended by representatives of 90 companies from 32 countries, was organized by the State Concerns «Turkmengas», «Turkmennebit», «Turkmenchemistry», the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» in partnership with the Turkmen Forum and Gaffney Cline.

 At the end of the Forum, its participants adopted an Appeal to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in which they expressed deep gratitude for the warm welcome message and the conditions created for holding a high-level International Forum to attract foreign investment in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan.

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