Mergen Muhammedov – Chief Specialist of the Department of Geology and Development of Gas Fields of the Turkmengaz State Concern

16:02 02.04.2022 3733

The delegates of the International Forum on Attracting Foreign Investments in the Oil and Gas Industry of Turkmenistan told our readers about the topical subjects discussed at it.

Mergen Muhammedov – Chief Specialist of the Department of Geology and Development of Gas Fields of the Turkmengaz State Concern:

“In his Address to the participants of the Forum, the respected President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of the fuel and energy complex of our country as one of the leading areas of the national economy, contributing to the improvement of the social and living standards of the people and solving global modern problems. As the head of state noted, ‘We use our natural resources not only in the interests of the Turkmen people, but also for the sake of a prosperous life and a bright future for all humankind.’

“Undoubtedly, the Online International Investment Forum has become an important event of this year, opening up great opportunities for the implementation of the tasks set before the domestic fuel and energy complex to increase the export potential of the sector and to attract investments.

“It is also noteworthy that OGT-2022 has become the largest industry event of the year and an effective platform for the exchange of experience between domestic and foreign experts in actively attracting modern technologies, establishing further large-scale cooperation and discussing mutually beneficial projects.

“I think that the Conference was very interesting and informative for all its participants. We have heard reports here on various aspects of energy security.

“During the workshops devoted to various areas of cooperation in the oil and gas sector, we acquainted foreign participants with the strategy of the domestic fuel and energy complex development, forms of industry services and prospects of the development of ‘green’ energy in Turkmenistan.

“Particular attention was paid to the energy policy of neutral Turkmenistan in ensuring global energy security, covering the sphere of energy production, their transportation and final consumption. In this regard, in the speeches of the delegates, the emphasis was placed on the significance of the constructive proposals of the Turkmen state, which were fully understood and supported by the world community and were enshrined in the adopted special UN Resolutions in the field of ensuring global energy security.

“It is important to note that the program of socioeconomic development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052 and the Program of the oil and gas industry development for the period up to 2030 provide for the implementation of measures to further increase the production capacity of the industry, which is closely related to the issues of ensuring the energy security in the region and around the world.

“We have great work ahead of us, and I am sure that its effectiveness will be supported by the results of the international forum OGT-2022.”

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