The results of work of the fuel and energy complex of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan for two months 2023 were considered at the industry meeting

21:35 07.03.2023 2364

 A reporting meeting was held in the Central building of the Oil and Gas Complex of Turkmenistan, at which the results of the work of enterprises in the industry for January-February of this year, held under the motto «The Year of Happy Youth with Arkadagly Serdar», were discussed.  During the meeting, the tasks set for the oil and gas complex of the country by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan held on March 3 on the digital system, which summed up the results of the work of the sectors of the national economy for January-February 2023, were discussed.

 Opening the reporting meeting, Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Ashyrguly Begliev said that under the leadership of the esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the state regularly provides support to the country's oil and gas industry, which leads to an increase in technical and economic indicators in the field of oil and gas condensate production, production of gasoline, liquefied  gas, export of «blue fuel».  At the same time, the need to organize the work carried out in this direction in accordance with the requirements of modernity was especially emphasized.

 The Vice-Chairman also emphasized the need to effectively address the challenges arising from the President's instructions to implement comprehensive measures to increase hydrocarbon production, ensure the operation of enterprises at the level of design capacity by establishing direct cooperation with manufacturers of imported equipment, spare parts, chemicals and consumables to ensure their  uninterrupted supply at competitive prices.

 The State Minister – Chairman of the State Concern «Turkmengas» B. Amanov, Chairman of the State Concern «Turkmennebit» G. Agadzhanov, Chairman of the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» M. Roziev, as well as heads of associations, departments and enterprises of the complex spoke at the reporting meeting.

 The speakers dwelled in detail on the solution of the tasks set by the President for the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, in particular, on increasing the volume of production and processing of oil and gas, using modern digital technologies in this area, strengthening the work of improving production and structural facilities, and effectively using the real capacities of State concerns  «Turkmengas», «Turkmennebit», the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» and their management in accordance with modern requirements.

During the meeting, information was provided on the ongoing construction of the transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India.  The issues of construction of gas storage facilities to regulate natural gas production and ensure reliable supplies of «blue fuel» to consumers were also considered.  The importance of preparing relevant proposals as a result of a thorough study of the proposals of leading foreign companies for the implementation of this major project was noted.

 At the end of the meeting, emphasizing the urgency of the tasks of timely implementation of the President's instructions for the further development of the domestic fuel and energy complex, Vice-Chairman Ashyrguly Begliev noted the importance of conscientious hard work of each employee in improving the fuel and energy industry, strengthening its position in the international arena.

 The Vice-Chairman wished the esteemed President and national leader of the Turkmen people Hero Arkadag, who are implementing grandiose transformations in order to develop the country's oil and gas industry, good health, long life and success in good undertakings.

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