Elections of deputies of the Mejlis, members of the Halk Maslahaty and Gengeshes were held in Turkmenistan

21:36 27.03.2023 5592


 Last Sunday, elections of deputies of the Mejlis, members of the velayat, etrap and city Halk Maslakhaty and Gengeshes were held in Turkmenistan on a broad alternative basis.

 From 7 am to 7 pm, 2,644 polling stations were opened throughout the country, which were located in modern buildings of educational institutions, sports schools and sports facilities, as well as healthcare facilities.  Another 42 polling stations were organized at the diplomatic missions and consulates of Turkmenistan abroad.

 On behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the voting process was covered on television and online broadcast on the website of the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan.

 About 3.5 million voters were registered in the country.  At the same time, young Turkmen citizens who turned 18 and who participated in the voting for the first time, and this is about 76 thousand voters, were presented with memorable gifts.

 The most deserving citizens, highly respected and trusted by their compatriots, claimed the right to represent their voters in the national parliament and in the bodies of local executive power and local self-government.

 Among the candidates are rural workers, representatives of government agencies, specialists from various industries, workers in the fields of economy, education, science, culture, healthcare, members of political parties, public organizations and associations.  Several candidates were registered for each seat of a deputy of the Mejlis, a member of the Halk Maslakhaty and the Gengesh.

Thus, today's elections, like all previous ones, were held on a broad alternative basis, on the principles of democracy and openness.

 The election process was monitored by national and international observers present at the polling stations.  Among them are observers from the UN, the CIS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Turkic States, experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.  According to them, the elections were held on an alternative and democratic basis, in accordance with the legislation in force in the country and generally accepted norms of international law.

 Head of the CIS Observer Mission, CIS Secretary General Sergei Lebedev, speaking with journalists, noted the calm nature of the voting, the festive atmosphere and the high voter turnout.

 According to the Central Election Commission, by 19:00, the closing time of polling stations, 91.12 percent of voters took part in the elections of deputies of the Mejlis, members of the velayat, etrap and city halk maslahaty – 91.10 percent, and members of the Gengeshes – 91.20 percent of the electorate  .

 According to the information provided by the Central Election Commission, the elections were recognized as valid.  In accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Code, the voting results will be made public in the near future.

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