Turkmenistan purchased mobile drilling rigs from China

21:59 04.04.2023 3567


 Turkmenistan has acquired new mobile drilling rigs made in China, which will help accelerate the pace of work on the development of oil and gas fields in our country.  Machines of the XJ 450 and XJ 650 series have already been tested at the Barsagelmez and Gonurdepe fields in the Balkan region.

 Mobile units are planned to be used for drilling new wells and overhauling old ones.  It is noted that with the new equipment, this work takes no more than 20 days.

 “This is our first facility where we will carry out repair work.  It took quite a bit of time to install the machine.  The well, two and a half thousand meters long, will be completely ready for operation in a few days.  Here we plan to produce about 40 tons of oil per day,” Yazgeldi Yegenseyidov, specialist of the well workover department at the Barsagelmez oil production site, said in an interview with the MIR 24 TV channel.

 The new machines are equipped with all the necessary equipment to ensure autonomous operation.  In addition, recreation areas are provided for employees.  Up to 10 people can comfortably live in one such module.

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