Opportunities to increase trade turnover between Turkmenistan and Turkey discussed

23:39 05.04.2023 1903


 Issues of intensifying cooperation in increasing the volume of trade between the two countries were discussed by the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the Chairman of the Union of Chambers and Exchanges of Turkey Rifat Hisarciklyoglu.

 The meeting emphasized the important role of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Turkish Commission for Economic Cooperation and the Business Council in strengthening interstate partnerships and implementing joint large-scale projects.

 The fuel and energy, transport and communications, agricultural industries, food and textile industries, as well as the areas of high technologies and ecology were named as promising areas for the implementation of joint projects in Turkmenistan.  The importance of implementing joint projects in the food and pharmaceutical industries was also emphasized.

 Noting the importance of environmental issues in the urban development program of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed that during the construction of the city of Arkadag, production facilities will be created taking into account modern environmental requirements.

 In this regard, according to Hero-Arkadag, huge prospects are opening up for bilateral cooperation, given that in the new city preference will be given to environmentally friendly production, electric buses and electric taxis, and the introduction of digital technologies in the field of urban services.

 The interlocutors also discussed the prospects for developing partnerships between the business structures of the two countries.  In this regard, it was noted that the issues of building up the potential of small and medium-sized businesses and their integration into the international space are being worked out in detail in Turkmenistan.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also said that "the issues of rational use of land and water resources are on the agenda, and therefore it is important to study the latest technologies, scientific achievements and the implementation of the digital system".

 The systematic construction of desalination plants and the use of advanced irrigation methods will make it possible to successfully solve the tasks in this direction, the head of the People's Council of Turkmenistan noted, emphasizing that there are good prospects for exchanging experience with representatives of Turkish business circles in laying a water supply system and purchasing the products necessary for these purposes.

 In turn, the Turkish businessman stated that Turkey has launched the production of pipes for water supply systems that meet modern quality and environmental standards.  It is suitable for Turkmenistan, as it is suitable for use in the local climate.

 Noting that Turkey will soon hold presidential elections, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished Recep Tayyip Erdogan success in this campaign.

 Emphasizing that thanks to the tireless efforts of the Hero-Arkadag and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan is achieving significant success in all areas, the Chairman of the Union of Chambers and Exchanges of Turkey expressed gratitude for the conditions created for the fruitful work of Turkish entrepreneurs in our country, which the Turks consider their historical homeland.

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