The branch institute of the State Concern “Turkmengas” has developed optimal options for the utilization of sulfur

17:13 28.04.2023 5278

Optimal options for solving the urgent problem of utilizing large volumes of sulfur, which remains in the process of natural gas production at the fields of Turkmenistan, have been developed by specialists from the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern “Turkmengas”.
 Bayrammyrat Pirniyazov, Director of the Scientific Research Institute of the Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern “Turkmengas”, spoke about this at the International Forum on Attracting Investments in the Energy Sector of Turkmenistan, held in Dubai (UAE) on April 26-27. In Turkmenistan, thanks to the discovery of the largest gas fields in terms of reserves, first of all – Galkynysh, Yashlar, Garakel, Garajaovlaksoy group, in the future, natural gas production will be increasingly associated with the production of sour gas, Pirniyazov said. In this regard, the utilization of sulfur is an important issue requiring urgent solutions, both from the point of view of technology and from the point of view of ecology. One of the optimal solutions is the injection of acid gases into underground reservoirs, the scientist continued. He noted that several options were considered at the Natural Gas Research Institute, namely, the use of aquifers, including the re-injection of hydrogen sulfide or liquid sulfur into the aquifer zone of the reservoir, as well as injection into depleted deposits of neighboring fields. According to the director of the institute, the main idea of ​​the reservoir utilization of hydrogen sulfide is to use the regionally developed Lower Paleogene highly porous cavernous carbonate-sulfate deposits of the Bukhara horizon of the Paleocene in order to form a sour gas deposit or to use depleted productive sandstone formations that contain iron oxides and iron oxides in order to form a technogenic deposit of sulfur-free gas.We know that sour gas deposits are being developed in many countries. It would be interesting for us to discuss the experience of other companies and the solutions they found, as well as to involve interested investors in the problem of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur utilization, - Pirniyazov said.

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