The OGT-2023 International Forum in Dubai has revealed new partners, opened up new horizons for cooperation

16:08 29.04.2023 7285

 The international forum on attracting foreign investment in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan, held on April 26-27 in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, brought together representatives of the world's leading companies and identified potential partners for the oil and gas industry, opened new horizons for expanding existing mutually beneficial ties.  This was noted in the address of the participants of the visiting forum to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

 During the two days of the forum, an exchange of views took place on regional and global issues of the fuel and energy complex, including the widespread introduction of new technologies for the deep processing of hydrocarbons, attracting investments, diversifying routes for the supply of Turkmen energy resources to world markets, and increasing the country's export potential.

 The address also noted the great importance of the forum held in the ability to attract investments in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan, which has huge hydrocarbon reserves, strengthen productive economic cooperation with foreign countries, actively introduce the latest achievements of science into production, and launch new projects.

 The delegates of the investment forum held in the United Arab Emirates, which occupies one of the leading positions in the international energy space and is a reliable partner and friendly country, are confident that this event will further strengthen cooperation between the enterprises of the fuel and energy industry of Turkmenistan and foreign companies.

 The effective work of the forum demonstrated the production capacities of our country and the formed reliable investment climate, ensured the mutual exchange of accumulated experience.

Speakers at the sections of the forum emphasized the growing role of Turkmenistan in the future of global energy, discussed the possibilities of investing in the energy industry, environmental requirements for the development of hydrocarbon deposits, as well as financing the diversification of the development of new sources of energy resources in Turkmenistan.

 Up-to-date information on the production and processing of hydrocarbons in Turkmenistan, the development of deposits in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea, and the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline were heard from the forum.  Opportunities for investing in the phased development of the giant Galkynyş gas field, which occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of its reserves, were announced.

 The forum delegates also exchanged views and studied proposals on the export opportunities of gas pipelines, priority areas for attracting investments in gas processing and the gas chemical industry, and prospects for the development of “green” energy.

 During the forum, special attention was paid to environmental issues in the implementation of large investment projects in Turkmenistan, which indicates the commitment of our country to its obligations in this area.

 According to the forum participants, its work was fruitful, as it contributed to the exchange of experience, the strengthening and expansion of international cooperation in the oil and gas industry.

 Thus, oil and gas international conferences and forums held at the initiative of the head of state both in Ashgabat and in foreign countries are of great importance for the active integration of Turkmenistan into the world energy space.

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