Mejlis of Turkmenistan adopted the State Budget for 2021

21:33 27.10.2020 6693

At the twelfth meeting of the Mejlis of the sixth convocation of Turkmenistan, held on Saturday, the deputies considered the draft and adopted the Law "On the State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2021".

The draft State Budget for 2021 provides that over 70% of the funds will be directed to the development of the social sphere, including: education, health care, culture, the system of state social security, housing and communal services, and general public services.

A certain amount of capital investment in 2021 is envisaged to be directed to the construction of housing and industrial, social and cultural facilities.

Protected items of expenditure of the state budget for 2021 are wages, pensions, allowances, scholarships for students and students, which are planned to be increased by 10%.

The construction of important objects of transport, communication and production infrastructure will continue at a high rate. The agro-industrial complex, transport, communications, construction, textile and food industries will receive a progressive impulse.

In the 2021 State Budget, it is planned to take measures to support small and medium-sized businesses, increase the volume of domestically produced products, and ensure food abundance in domestic markets.

Work will also continue on the privatization of objects and state-owned enterprises, the creation of joint-stock companies, and an increase in the share of the private sector in the structure of the country's economy.

Among the promising areas of activity are the improvement of the tax system, the search for additional sources of funding for the implementation of the outlined plans within the framework of state and national programs.

According to the deputies who voted unanimously for the adoption of the Law "On the State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2021", this document is based on a competent calculation, backed up by resource potential and will serve the interests of the people of the country.

Also, the deputies unanimously adopted the resolution of the Mejlis "On the execution of the state budget of Turkmenistan for 2019".

Last Friday, the draft State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2021 was approved at a government meeting and sent to the country's Mejlis for consideration. The project envisaged bringing the GDP growth rate to 6.2%.

Now the 2021 State Budget project approved by the Mejlis will go to the President of Turkmenistan for signature.

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