In the center of the second day of OGT-2020: prospects for the development of offshore blocks of the Caspian, oil refining and gas chemistry of Turkmenistan

14:47 02.11.2020 6147

This morning, the second day of the XXV International Conference "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan-2020", organized by the State Concerns "Türkmengaz" and "Türkmennebit", began at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The first session was devoted to the topic of attracting investments in the offshore blocks of the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea. Here the main speech was the report of the Chairman of the SC "Turkmengeology" Merdan Rozyev on the main directions of further work to study the hydrocarbon potential of the Caspian. An overview of the latest geological and geophysical data of the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea was also presented.

Online speeches were made by Turkmenistan's foreign partners in the development of offshore fields. Ruslan Bin Abdul Ghani, Chief Executive Officer of PETRONAS Carigali (Turkmenistan) Sdn Bhd, tried to answer the question of how to attract investors to the offshore blocks of the Caspian Sea. The Chief Executive Officer of Dragon Oil, Ali Al Jarwan, gave an overview of activities in Turkmenistan.

Oleg Shumovsky, Project Manager of LUKOIL-“Nizhnevolzhskneft”, shared his experience of using modern technologies in the development of LUKOIL's offshore oil and gas fields in the Northern Caspian.

The next session discussed the issues of oil and gas monetization and new investment opportunities in this area. The rector of the International University of Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan made a keynote speech here. The director of the polymer plant in Kiyanly of the SC "Turkmengaz" spoke about the new directions of the enterprise's work. General Director of “Schlumberger Logelco, Inc.” shared his experience of introducing new technologies in the production of hydrocarbons in mature fields.

The second half of the conference day was devoted to the topic “Gas chemical and oil refining complex of Turkmenistan - an example of efficiency and environmental safety. Within the framework of this session, reports were made by the heads of the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries, the gasoline production plant of the “Turkmengaz” State Corporation in Ovadandepe, the NAPECO company, and a number of other companies.

In their speeches, new investment opportunities of enterprises, prospects for the implementation of ECO-93 gasoline on the international market, new solutions for the export of hydrocarbons were considered.

Julian Bowden, a researcher at the Oxford Institute for Energy Research, presented the online global forecast for gas.

Then the results were summed up by the moderators of all sessions and the official closing of the conference.

On the same day, preliminary agreed meetings of representatives of foreign companies with the leadership of the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan were held.

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