Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov invited South Korean businessmen to more actively enter the Turkmen market

06:23 03.11.2020 5142

«Our country highly appreciates the achieved level of mutual understanding, efficiency and mutual benefit, which characterizes relations with the Republic of Korea».  This was stated by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his video address to the participants of the International Forum on Northern Economic Cooperation, which took place in Seoul last Friday in the format of video conference with the participation of the President of the Republic of Korea.

 Heads of a number of states, politicians, heads of ministries and departments of the trade and economic bloc, healthcare, education, communications and high technologies, representatives of the private sector of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea and a number of others countries took part in the Forum in a remote mode.

 During his video address to the Forum participants, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized the importance of diversifying cooperation at the regional and international levels.  He spoke about the effectiveness of the Turkmen-Korean relations, cited as an example a number of joint projects in the oil and gas and gas chemical industries with the active participation of Korean companies.

- For many years, the Korean companies LG and Hyundai have been effectively working in the oil and gas and transport sectors of the economy of Turkmenistan, - Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. - Among the strategic projects successfully completed with the participation of these and other companies from the Republic of Korea, one can note the construction of a natural gas desulfurization plant in our country, the construction of a gas chemical complex for the production of polyethylene and polypropylene.

 As an example, the head of the state also cited the installation and consulting service of road safety systems, the creation of a sustainable supply system for automotive equipment produced by world-famous companies in a friendly country.

 Along with this, the Turkmen leader noted that great prospects are seen for joint activities in the implementation of projects in science-intensive industries, including in telecommunications and space, in the field of water use, in particular, desalination of sea water.

 Taking this opportunity, the President of Turkmenistan appealed to the business community of the Republic of Korea with an invitation to more actively enter the Turkmen market, confirming his readiness to provide maximum assistance to the work of Korean companies in our country, to create favorable conditions for them.

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