The conference of Turkmenistan and the European Union identified priority areas of cooperation

16:40 16.05.2024 985

At the joint conference “30 years of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the European Union: working together for a better future,” held on May 14, priority areas for cooperation prospects were outlined, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan reports.

During the plenary session, the Vice- Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and the Special Representative of the European Union for Central Asia Teri Hakala spoke.

Education, security cooperation, climate change, development of transport and transit corridors, energy, digital economy, water resources management and trade were identified as priority areas for cooperation prospects.

The speakers noted the positive development of multifaceted cooperation between Turkmenistan and the European Union, which has recently become progressive.

The conference was attended by representatives of relevant ministries, departments and public organizations of Turkmenistan, the diplomatic corps accredited in Turkmenistan, EU programs and projects.

At the end of the plenary meeting, a signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan, the State Concern “Turkmengas” and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) took place, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs notes.

The conference continued its work with thematic sessions dedicated to successful partnership projects in the fields of education, trade, security and the green economy.

An exhibition dedicated to the achievements of 30 years of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the EU was opened in the foyer of the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

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