Registration of participants of the XXVII International Forum "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan - 2022" is nearing completion

22:33 19.10.2022 6829

In a week - on October 26 - the XXVII International Forum "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan" - OGT 2022, will start its work, organized by the State Concerns "Turkmengas" and "Turkmennebit", the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan and the State Corporation "Turkmengeology". The partner in organizing this important industry event is the Turkmen Forum ES with the support of the British company GaffneyCline.

According to the organizers, more than 450 delegates have already registered to participate in OGT 2022. Of these, 353 delegates will participate in person and over 100 online.

Registration for full-time participation ended on October 16, online registration remains open until October 20.

The purpose of the OGT 2022 conference and exhibition is to strengthen international dialogue, analyze the latest trends in the global energy system and attract foreign direct investment in the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan through raising awareness of its potential.

The impressive reserves of hydrocarbon resources contained in the bowels of our country are reported by reputable foreign sources. "Turkmenistan is rich in oil and especially natural gas reserves," the US Department of Commerce's Office of International Trade said in a manual. It also cites a British Petroleum (BP) 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy study which states that “As of the end of 2020, Turkmenistan had 600 million barrels of proven oil reserves and 19.5 trillion cubic meters of proven natural gas reserves.

According to the same report, in 2020 Turkmenistan produced 59 billion cubic meters of natural gas, of which 31.3 billion cubic meters were used in the domestic market, the rest were exported.

The energy strategy of the Turkmen state provides for the phased and most efficient development of huge oil and gas reserves on the basis of broad international cooperation, the involvement of modern technologies that take into account the environmental aspects of the development of hydrocarbon deposits and the production of finished products of oil and gas chemistry.

The upcoming OGT 2022 will be an excellent platform to strengthen existing partnerships and create new business opportunities, expand professional networking and networking across the entire energy and natural gas sector, from finance and science to production and consumption.

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