Hyundai Engineering is a bronze partner of the International Forum of Turkmenistan in Dubai

14:57 13.04.2023 2415

 Hyundai Engineering is a bronze partner of the International Forum on Attracting Foreign Investment in the Energy Sector of Turkmenistan, which will be held on April 26-27, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dubai.  This is reported by the organizers of the upcoming event.

 Hyundai Engineering, founded in 1974, has grown into a global company providing engineering solutions in various fields not only in the Republic of Korea but throughout the world.  The company is committed to creating values ​​that are based on many years of experience, advanced technologies and human potential.

 For 10 years of its activity in Turkmenistan, Hyundai Engineering has successfully implemented several major joint projects, having established itself as a reliable partner, ready to perform the most complex tasks.

 In 2013, the company built a gas desulfurization unit at the Galkynysh gas field.  In cooperation with LX International Corporation, Hyundai Engineering launched several new process units at the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries (TCOR).

 In 2018, the South Korean company completed the construction of a new gas chemical complex in the village of Kiyanly in the Balkan region.  It is capable of producing 386 thousand tons of polyethylene and 81 thousand tons of polypropylene per year.  In the production of products, advanced and environmentally friendly technologies are used.

 The $3.4 billion project was implemented by Hyundai Engineering in cooperation with LX International Corporation and TOYO Engineering Corporation.  It is noteworthy that even at the design stage in 2014, Hyundai Engineering received a special award from TXF (Trade-Export-Finance) in the UK as one of the ten best environmentally friendly projects in Europe and Eurasia.

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