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The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan discussed with a representative of the ADB the possibilities of implementing new projects
07.06.24 - 17:38

The possibilities for implementing new joint projects were discussed at a meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and the Director General of the Department for Central and West Asia of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Evgeny Zhukov, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan reports.

The President of Turkmenistan took part in the commissioning of new electric power facilities
07.06.24 - 12:02

On June 5, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Dashoguz region, where he took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the commissioning of the new high-voltage power transmission line "Balkan - Dashoguz" and two electrical substations built on this route as part of the project to create a single energy ring of the country, TDH reports.

Delegates of the International Scientific Conference TESC-2024 discussed the prospects for interaction in the field of ecology and sustainable development
07.06.24 - 12:04

Today, June 6, at the Arçabil Hotel in the capital, delegates of the International Scientific Conference “Energy Prospects, New Technologies and Environmental Aspects of Hydrocarbon Field Development” (TESC-2024), organized by the State Concerns “Turkmengas”, “Turkmennebit” and the State Corporation “Turkmengeology".

The agenda of the International Scientific Conference in Ashgabat includes cooperation in the field of environmental protection and a green future
05.06.24 - 22:16

Today, June 5, the International Scientific Conference: “Energy prospects, new technologies and environmental aspects of the development of hydrocarbon fields” (TESC 2024) began its work at the Archadil hotel in the capital.

SOCAR and BOTAS signed an agreement on transporting Turkmen gas to Turkey via Azerbaijan
05.06.24 - 22:18

The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) and the Turkish company BOTAS signed a number of contracts for the supply, transportation and transit of natural gas, Azertag reports.

The focus of Turkmen-Qatari political consultations is on issues of cooperation in the field of fuel and energy complex, investment and tourism
04.06.24 - 19:56

Issues of cooperation in the field of investment, tourism, energy and the oil and gas industry were discussed during political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the State of Qatar, held in the city of Doha, reports the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country.

International scientific conference TESC 2024 draws attention to environmental and sustainable development issues
04.06.24 - 19:55

Tomorrow, June 5, the International Scientific Conference will begin in the capital of Turkmenistan: “Energy prospects, new technologies and environmental aspects of the development of hydrocarbon fields,” which is designed to attract public attention to solving environmental issues and sustainable development. Timed to coincide with World Environment Day, the meeting highlights the relevance of the topics that will be discussed by its many participants.

The President of Turkmenistan led a mass bike ride in Ashgabat
03.06.24 - 18:15

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov led a mass bike ride that took place on Monday in Ashgabat to celebrate World Bicycle Day.

The President of Turkmenistan instructed to prepare the draft State Budget for 2025 by November 1
03.06.24 - 18:17

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a decree ordering the preparation of draft State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2025, the main directions of socio-economic development of the country and the Investment Program for the next year by November 1.

Fuel and energy complex products were sold at the exchange auctions to the external and domestic markets
03.06.24 - 18:16

17 transactions were registered at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.

The President of Turkmenistan noted the importance of further increasing natural gas production volumes
03.06.24 - 18:15

On May 31, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, at which topical issues in the life of the country were discussed.

Turkmenistan and Sri Lanka have the potential for cooperation in the fuel and energy complex, chemical industry, transport and other areas
31.05.24 - 16:56

The potential for cooperation in the oil and gas and chemical industries, transport and logistics sector and other areas was noted during political consultations held on May 30 in the format of a video conference between Turkmenistan and Sri Lanka, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country reports.

Participants of the Turkmen-Saudi intergovernmental commission outlined promising projects
31.05.24 - 16:53

The implementation of previously reached agreements and decisions on a number of promising projects were discussed during the 7th meeting of the intergovernmental Turkmen-Saudi commission on trade and economic cooperation, held in Riyadh.

The delegation of Turkmenistan took part in the ministerial conference in the “Central Asia – Italy” format
30.05.24 - 17:31

A ministerial conference in the “Central Asia – Italy” format was held in Rome on May 29. The event was attended by heads of foreign policy departments of Central Asian countries, Italy, as well as representatives of the European Union. The delegation of Turkmenistan was headed by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov, reports the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country.

Representatives of Turkmenistan and CNPC discussed prospects for cooperation in the gas sector
29.05.24 - 15:41

On May 28, Advisor to the President of Turkmenistan on oil and gas issues Ashirguly Begliev met with the head of the branch of the world famous Chinese company CNPC in our country, Chen Huailun. During the meeting, aspects of bilateral cooperation in the gas sector were discussed. The meeting was also attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Turkmenistan Qian Naicheng, TDH reports.