Issues of regulating the reduction of methane emissions were discussed at the OSCE seminar in Ashgabat

11:31 17.07.2024 1140

On July 16, 2024, during a two-day seminar organized by the OSCE Center in Ashgabat, in which about twenty-five representatives of the state concerns Turkmengaz and Turkmenneft, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and other interested departments took part, its participants became familiar with the existing legislation in the field of reduction  greenhouse gas emissions, including methane.

During the seminar, international experts will share best practices in developing national regulatory frameworks for regulating greenhouse gas emissions, including methane, with a focus on relevant doctrines, policies and laws.  Particular attention was paid to the national regulatory framework in the field of reporting on greenhouse gas emissions, including calculations and verification.

As Olivera Zurovak-Kuzman, head of the economic and environmental department of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat, noted, as part of its ongoing support to Turkmenistan in implementing the climate change agenda and ensuring environmental security, the OSCE attaches particular importance to cooperation in the field of reducing greenhouse gas and methane emissions.

Today, on the second day of the seminar, issues of organizing the work of bodies responsible for the validation and verification of greenhouse gases, as well as incentive measures to reduce GHG emissions, including quotas and circulation of carbon units, will be considered. Seminar participants will discuss the results and conclusions in the context of commitments to reduce methane emissions and take part in a practical session on calculating greenhouse gas emissions, the OSCE Center in Ashgabat said in a news release.

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