Tanker "Zangilan" delivered the first shipment of oil from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan

17:15 19.07.2024 1024


The tanker "Zangilan" from the port of Aladzha of the international seaport of Turkmenbashi performed its first voyage, delivering Turkmen oil to the Sangachal terminal in Azerbaijan, the press service of ASCO reports.

"Zangilan" is the fourth Azerbaijani tanker built at the Baku Shipyard.  Unlike the Lachin and Kelbajar tankers, which were put into operation earlier, the Zangilan and the Akademik Khoshbakht Yusifzadeh tanker can transport not only oil, but also chemical products.  The technical characteristics of the vessel allow it to enter relatively shallow-water ports of the Caspian Basin and transport cargo beyond its borders with maximum load.

According to PortNews IAA, the Zangilana tanker was launched in May 2023 and put into operation in July 2024.  The length of the tanker is 141 m, width 16.9 m, height - 6 m, deadweight - 7875 tons, speed - 10 knots, crew - 15 people.  The vessel has 6 cargo tanks with a total capacity of 9212 cubic meters.

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