Achievements of athletes of the Cultural and Sports Complex of the TCOR SC «Turkmennebit»

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 In 2024, held under the motto “The Fount of Mind of Magtymguly Fragi”, athletes of the Cultural and Sports Complex of the SC «Turkmennebit», under the leadership of the head coach of the national freestyle wrestling team of Turkmenistan, Afis Velieva, took part in the International Tournament in Memory of Kairat Bukhanov, held from 5 to  July 7 in the city of Aktau, Republic of Kazakhstan.  

 In competitions in which athletes from dozens of countries took part, Turkmen wrestlers demonstrated a high level of training and sportsmanship, winning prizes.  Thus, Dovletgeldy Talypov in the 65 kg weight category, Namil Guseinov – in the 92 kg weight category – received silver medals at the tournament, Vasily Okunev, who competed in the 92 kg weight category, won bronze.  

 The successes of the futsal teams of the Cultural and Sports Complex of the SC «Turkmennebit», training under the guidance of coach Ashyrmamet Odekov, are also impressive.   Having successfully performed at the Balkan region mini-football championship, held from June 20 to 25 in the city of Hazar, the team was awarded the title of champion of the western region of the country.

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