Olympic medalist Polina Guryeva presented with gifts from the President of Turkmenistan

15:21 24.08.2021 5136


 Last Saturday, August 21, in the Olympic town of the capital, a solemn ceremony of presenting state awards to the silver medalist of Turkmenistan in the XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo – Polina Guryeva was held.

 As you know, according to the results of the games in Tokyo, Polina Guryeva, performing in the weight category up to 59 kg, showed the result of 217 kg and for the first time in the history of Turkmen sports won the silver medal of the Olympic Games.

 At the beginning of the ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister, Honored Trainer of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov read out congratulations on behalf of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

 “The achieved success of the athlete of the national weightlifting team of Turkmenistan Polina Guryeva on the eve of the country's anniversary is a special award for the Motherland.  She became a source of pride for the Turkmen people”, the Congratulation message says.

 Then the awards ceremony took place.  By the decree of the President of Turkmenistan, Polina Guryeva was awarded the title «Honored Master of Sports of Turkmenistan».

 On behalf of the head of the state, she was handed the keys to a new three-room elite apartment and a Lexus LX570 Sport Plus car.  In addition, Guryeva was awarded a cash reward of 50 thousand US dollars.

 “I thank the esteemed President of Turkmenistan for creating such conditions for sports.  I dedicate this medal to our esteemed President, the Turkmen people in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of Turkmenistan”,  Polina Guryeva said.

 Along with the honoring of the Olympic medalist, coaches were awarded.  Thus, the coach of the weightlifting section of the School of Higher Sports Skill, Akhmet Saryyev, was awarded the order “Garaşsyz Türkmenistana bolan beýik söýgüsi üçin” (“For the great love for Independent Turkmenistan”).

 The coach of Polina Guryeva, a representative of the same School, Artur Emiryan, was handed the keys of the 2021 Toyota Camry car for training the athletes who won the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

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