The state budget of Turkmenistan for the coming year provides for an increase in salaries, pensions, allowances and scholarships

11:47 03.07.2024 998

During the meeting of the Government of Turkmenistan held on June 28, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the proposal of Vice-Chairman H.Geldimyradov to increase from January 1, 2025 by 10 percent of wages fees for employees of enterprises and institutions, pensions and state benefits of citizens, scholarships of students and students. This is reported by TDH.

This proposal was made in the context of the Practical Steps Report in order to prepare the State Budget Project for the coming year. As noted, it is based on the results of the analysis of preliminary calculations of the financial and economic activities of ministries and industry departments.

The President of Turkmenistan stated that program transformations are currently being successfully implemented in the country, the social and everyday standard of living of the people is consistently increasing.

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