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Afghanistan is ready for the implementation of the TAPI project
10.03.22 - 20:57

Afghanistan is fully prepared for the implementation of the TAPI project. This was stated to journalists by the Acting Minister of Mining and Oil of Afghanistan Shahabuddin Delawar, reports the Afghan agency «TOLO news».

EBRD offers assistance to Turkmenistan in extinguishing the crater in Darvaza
09.03.22 - 20:11

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) offered Turkmenistan its assistance in solving the problem of gas emissions from the crater in Darvaza.

The US Department of Energy raised the forecast for oil prices for 2022-2023
09.03.22 - 20:12

The US Department of Energy raised its Brent oil price forecast for 2022 from $82.87 p/b. To $105.22 p/b, follows from the data of the monthly forecast of the department's Energy Information Administration (EIA), Interfax reports.

The industry meeting considered results of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan for two months
09.03.22 - 20:09

In the Central building of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, a reporting meeting was held, at which the results of the work of enterprises in the industry for January-February of this year, held under the motto «Epoch of people with Arkadag», were discussed.

GDP growth rate of Turkmenistan for January-February remains at the level of 6.2%
07.03.22 - 20:32

In January-February, the GDP growth rate of Turkmenistan remains at the level of 6.2%. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced this at a government meeting last Friday, at which the results of the country's socio-economic development for two months of 2022 were discussed.

Results of fuel and energy complex work for January-February 2022 were discussed
07.03.22 - 20:33

The results of the work of all sectors of the national economy of Turkmenistan, including the oil and gas sector for January-February 2022, were discussed at a government meeting, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held last Friday via video communication.

Oil rose to a record $139 per barrel due to a possible ban on supplies to the US from Russia
07.03.22 - 20:34

Oil rose in price on Monday to its highest level since 2008, reaching almost $140 per barrel, after reports of a possible US ban on its imports from Russia, Interfax reports.

The CEC of Turkmenistan registered 2,726 national observers for the presidential elections in the country
07.03.22 - 14:15

The Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan has registered 2,726 national observers for the forthcoming presidential elections on March 12, according to the CEC website.

Early voting for the presidential elections in Turkmenistan has started
03.03.22 - 20:15

On Wednesday, early voting for the presidential elections in our country began, the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper reports today.

Mutual potential of Turkmen-American cooperation can be used much more widely, - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan
03.03.22 - 20:13

On Wednesday, the annual political consultations between Turkmenistan and the United States continued with the participation of representatives of relevant ministries and departments of the two countries, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports.

Gas prices in Europe rose to the highest since the beginning of the year
02.03.22 - 19:34

The spot gas price in Europe rose by 29% on Wednesday afternoon compared to Tuesday's close, Interfax reports.

The fuel and energy complex of the country hosts a presentation of a new book by the Hero-Arkadag
03.03.22 - 02:18

On the first day of spring of the current year, held under the motto “The Era of the People with Arkadag”, a presentation of a new book by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Abadançylygyň röwşen gadamlary (“The Bright Path to Prosperity”), presented by the President to the Turkmen people, took place in the Central Building of the Oil and Gas Complex.

Turkmen citizens show great interest in the presidential elections
02.03.22 - 00:24

In the first months of the year, the motto of which is «Epoch of people with Arkadag», in an atmosphere of openness, transparency, democracy and on a broad alternative basis, an important socio-political campaign for the election of the President of Turkmenistan is being held. At present, its first stage has been completed – the nomination and registration of candidates for the highest state post.

The mission of observers from the CIS began work on monitoring the presidential campaign in Turkmenistan
01.03.22 - 17:10

The mission of observers from the CIS, that arrived at the invitation of the Turkmen side for the forthcoming early presidential elections on March 12, has begun work in Turkmenistan, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan TDH reports.