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OPEC+ countries discussed the situation on the oil market at technical meeting
18.06.21 - 20:23

OPEC+ countries discussed the situation on the oil market during a technical meeting held on Thursday via videoconference, OPEC said in a statement.

Lebapgazchykarysh: 5.1 billion cubic meters of gas produced in five months
17.06.21 - 02:41

The specialists of the «Lebapgazchykarysh» management have achieved good labor performance in the five months of this year. In January-May 2021, natural gas production amounted to about 5.1 billion cubic meters. Compared to the same period last year, the growth rate became 140%.

Overhaul at the Zergyar oil products plant is almost completed
17.06.21 - 02:42

At one of the large branches of the Turkmenabat oil products enterprise, located in Zergyar, a major overhaul is in the final stage. The work is carried out by specialists of the self-supporting department for construction and improvement of the Lebap region of the Main Directorate of «Turkmennebitonumleri».

More than 1.8 million tons of "black gold" were shipped to TCOR in five months
16.06.21 - 20:11

The specialists of the main oil pipelines department have achieved good results in the delivery of "black gold" mined in the Balkan region to TCOR.

TCOR exceeded the plan for the production of gasoline and liquefied gas in five months
16.06.21 - 20:12

In the five months of this year, which is held under the slogan "Turkmenistan - the Homeland of Peace and trust", the production of products in demand on the domestic and foreign markets has significantly increased at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries.

TCOR will purchase 500 thousand tons of oil from foreign companies operating in Turkmenistan on a PSA basis
15.06.21 - 02:11

The Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries will purchase up to 500 thousand tons of crude oil in 2021 from foreign companies operating in our country under the terms of Production Sharing Agreements (PSA). The corresponding decree was signed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on Friday.

Turkmenistan fully repaid loans from China allocated for the implementation of gas projects
15.06.21 - 02:12

Turkmenistan has fully repaid loans to China allocated earlier for the implementation of gas projects. This was announced by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shakhim Abdrakhmanov at a government meeting, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired last Friday via video communication system.

Anniversary Annagul Gurdova
15.06.21 - 02:14

The 70th anniversary of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Annagul Gurdova was celebrated in the Cultural and Business Center of the State Concern «Turkmengas».

Abu Dhabi Development Fund to allocate $99.91 million for infrastructure projects in Turkmenistan
11.06.21 - 19:53

Two agreements worth $99.91 million were signed Thursday between the Abu Dhabi Development Fund (ADFD) and the government of Turkmenistan, UAE media reported.

Turkmenistan delegation will discuss cooperation prospects in UAE
15.06.21 - 02:08

On the order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the government delegation of Turkmenistan went to the United Arab Emirates yesterday to hold talks on the development of mutually beneficial partnership relations.

High-quality service of gas supply networks of the Dashoguz region
15.06.21 - 02:09

Employees of the gas economic institution of the “Dashoguzgazupchunchilik” management perform high-quality maintenance of the gas distribution and gas supply networks of the region.

Gas station on the Mary-Turkmenabat highway was put into operation after reconstruction
09.06.21 - 16:35

Specialists of the Bayramali oil products enterprise of the Turkmennebitonumleri Main Directorate of the TCOR put into operation reconstructed gas station No. 191 located on the Mary-Turkmenabat intercity highway.

The pace of work on the commissioning of oil and gas wells of the State Concern «Turkmennebit» is growing
09.06.21 - 22:57

Subdivisions of the State Concern «Turkmennebit» are working ahead of schedule to commission oil and gas wells repaired with plastic pipes.

Export deals for the sale of ECO-93 gasoline and vacuum gas oil were concluded at the SCRMET auction
09.06.21 - 14:44

At the auction of the State Commodity Exchange of Turkmenistan last week, 9 transactions were registered.

President: Turkmenistan maintains steady economic growth
09.06.21 - 14:46

The results of the five months of 2021 indicate the progressive development of our state, despite the difficult situation in the global economy. This was stated by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at a government meeting last Friday, at which the results of the country's socio-economic development for January-May of this year were summed up.