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Russia is interested in participating in the construction of the TAPI gas pipeline, - Russian Foreign Minister
19.07.21 - 19:25

Russia is interested in participating in the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the International Conference “Central and South Asia: Regional Relations. Challenges and Opportunities ”, held last Friday in Tashkent.

Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan and Adviser to the President of the United States discussed the situation in Afghanistan
16.07.21 - 20:38

Regional security issues and the situation in Afghanistan were discussed on Thursday by Turkmen Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov and US Homeland Security Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports.

Issues of cooperation between Central Asian countries and the United States in the «C5 + 1» format were discussed in Tashkent
16.07.21 - 20:39

Ashgabat. July 15. INTERFAX – Talks in the framework of the C5 + 1 format were held in Tashkent today between the heads of the foreign ministries of Central Asia and the US delegation led by the US President’s Internal Security Advisor Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports.

Turkmengas plans to start production of polyvinyl acetate
16.07.21 - 00:27

The State Concern "Turkmengas" plans to build a gas chemical plant for the production of polyvinyl acetate in the Dashoguz region. The corresponding tender for the design and construction of a turnkey enterprise was published on Thursday on the website of the electronic newspaper of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan.

In January-June, GDP growth in Turkmenistan amounted to 6.1%
14.07.21 - 20:57

For the first half of 2021, Turkmenistan's GDP grew by 6.1% compared to the same period last year. This was announced by Vice-Chairman Gadyrgeldy Mushshikov at an enlarged meeting of the government last Friday, at which the results of the country's socio-economic development in January-June of this year were discussed.

Production of automotive fuel is growing at TCOR
14.07.21 - 20:58

The team of the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries has successfully fulfilled the production plan for the six months of this year for the production of automotive fuel.

The President of Turkmenistan and the Head of the PRC Foreign Ministry discussed cooperation in the fuel and energy complex and other priorities of cooperation
14.07.21 - 20:59

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on Tuesday received Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who arrived in Turkmenistan on a two-day official visit the day before, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

Preparation of gas networks for the winter season begins in Dashoguz region
14.07.21 - 02:10

Gas workers of the Dashoguzgazupdzhunchilik gas business enterprise located in the S. Turkmenbashi etrap, along with the work on gasification of the region settlements and maintenance of gas networks, have begun preparations for the winter season.

In the top exchange trading – products of the oil and gas complex and textiles
14.07.21 - 02:11

24 transactions were registered at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.

The industry meeting summed up the results of the fuel and energy complex for 6 months
12.07.21 - 21:28

Today, a reporting meeting was held in the Central building of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan. The results of the work of the enterprises of the industry for January-June 2021, the motto of which is “Turkmenistan - the Homeland of Peace and Trust”, were discussed.

Two gas chemical plants were transferred to the jurisdiction of the State Concern «Turkmenchemistry»
12.07.21 - 21:10

The plant for the production of gasoline from gas in the Akhal region and the polymer plant in Kiyanly were transferred to the jurisdiction of the State Concern «Turkmenchemistry». This was stated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the expanded meeting of the government held last Friday.

Results of the fuel and energy complex for the half-year were discussed at government meeting
12.07.21 - 21:12

At the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired last Friday, the results of the development of the sectors of the national economic complex for January-June of this year were summed up.

Italian businessmen intend to expand investments in industrial projects of Turkmenistan
09.07.21 - 20:28

Country presentation «Investment and business opportunities for cooperation with Turkmenistan» was held on July 7 for Italian companies in the format of a video conference.

Assessment of natural resources of the Koytendag region continues
09.07.21 - 20:29

The Koytendag region has significant natural resources. Specialists of the Koytendag exploration expedition of the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» actively and effectively participate in activities to use these resources for the benefit of the development of our country.

The volume of production of "black gold" is growing due to the gas lift method
08.07.21 - 17:56

The specialists of the "Khazar" gas compressor unit perform effective work on harvesting and sending gas to oil wells operating in the gas lift method.