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Transit of Turkmen oil through Russia in Q2 will amount to 500 thousand tons
26.03.21 - 15:33

In the 2nd quarter of 2021, Turkmenistan will export 500 thousand tons of oil through Russia, INTERFAX reports.

Сумма валютных сделок на торгах ГТСБТ превысила 49,5 млн долларов США
24.03.21 - 20:05

На торгах Государственной товарно-сырьевой биржи Туркменистана на минувшей неделе зарегистрировано 34 сделки.

Preparations for the meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Saudi Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation are underway
24.03.21 - 20:50

The next, seventh meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Saudi Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation is scheduled to be held in the first half of 2021 in the capital of Saudi Arabia – the city of Riyadh. This was announced by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shahym Abdrakhmanov during a government meeting held by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov last Friday via video link.

Lebapgazchykarysh management ensures a high rate of gas production growth
24.03.21 - 20:52

High production results were achieved by the specialists of the «Lebapgazchykarysh» department of the State Concern «Turkmengas» for January-February 2021, which is held under the motto «Turkmenistan – the Homeland of Peace and Trust. During this period, natural gas production amounted to 2 billion 180 million cubic meters, while the plan was fulfilled by 146%.

Additional day off is announced in Turkmenistan on the occasion of the Novruz national holiday
21.03.21 - 17:14

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a decree to postpone the day off from March 21 to Tuesday, March 23. As noted in the document, such a decision was made in order to create favorable conditions for the solemn celebration of the National Spring Festival – Novruz – and a good rest for the population of the country.

The President of Turkmenistan congratulated compatriots on the National Spring Day - International Novruz Day
21.03.21 - 17:15

On the occasion of the onset of the National Spring Day - International Novruz Day, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed a festive message to the Turkmen people.

Heads of SC «Turkmengas» and «Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.» discussed cooperation issues
19.03.21 - 17:10

State Minister – Chairman of the State Concern «Turkmengas» B. Amanov on March 18, 2021 held a working meeting via video link with the President of the Japanese company «Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.» T. Watanabe.

Foreign Ministry: Turkmenistan proposes to strengthen cooperation with the OSCE in the field of energy security and sustainable transport
19.03.21 - 14:09

Energy security and sustainable transport issues were discussed on Wednesday at an online meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and OSCE Secretary General Helga Schmid, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports.

Prospects of cooperation with SPE were discussed at SRI GK "Turkmengaz"
19.03.21 - 14:11

An online seminar with specialists of the institute and representatives of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) was held in the building of the Scientific Research Institute under the State Concern Turkmengaz (SC Turkmengaz), where the prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed.

TCOR increases production of lubricating oils
17.03.21 - 20:15

Since the beginning of 2021, the motto of which is «Turkmenistan – Homeland of Peace and Trust», the production of petrochemical products, which are in high demand both in the domestic and foreign markets, has been systematically increasing at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries.

Turkmen geological expedition: search for groundwater in Lebap region
17.03.21 - 20:16

The team of the Koytendag Party of the Turkmen Geological Exploration Expedition of the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» marks the year «Turkmenistan – Homeland of Peace and Trust» with high production results. Currently, the main activity of the enterprise is focused on finding groundwater, clarifying its reserves, as well as operating wells in order to provide sufficient water to the settlements of Lebap region.

The enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan participate in the virtual exhibition of the CIS
12.03.21 - 22:53

Enterprises of the leading sectors of the economy of Turkmenistan are taking part in the online exhibition CIS EXPO on March 11-12 as part of the CIS-30 years economic forum. This forum brought together business representatives from the participating countries, which helps to promote products within the Commonwealth and establish new business ties.

Project financing and loan repayment issues discussed at government meeting
12.03.21 - 22:46

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on Thursday held a working meeting with the participation of the Vice-Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, members of the State Security Council, as well as heads of a number of ministries and sectoral departments. The main topic of the meeting was issues related to credit financing of large projects in various sectors of the national economy, further improving the efficiency of enterprises in the country.

Oil demand in 2021 may recover by 5.5 million bp, while reserves may decline
12.03.21 - 15:36

Oil demand in 2021 may recover by 5.5 million b / d, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said, INTERFAX reports.

Southern Gas Corridor should be expanded to Central Europe-Hungarian Foreign Minister
12.03.21 - 15:41

The importance of the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Peter Szijjarto in a conversation with the Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan Parviz Shahbazov, INTERFAX-AZERBAIJAN reports.