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Concern "Turkmennebit" aims for a broad international partnership
31.03.22 - 15:56

Today, the oil assets of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" are concentrated mainly in the west of Turkmenistan and include more than 30 fields that are at various stages of development. This was announced by the Acting Chairman of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" Guychgeldi Baigeldiev, speaking on the second day of the International Forum on attracting foreign investment in the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan.

Energy security issues are the focus of the International Investment Forum
30.03.22 - 17:24

On Tuesday, the first day of the International Forum on attracting foreign investment in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan ended at the Yyldyz hotel in the capital. The focus of its participants was the discussion of the future of the global energy system and ensuring regional energy security.

Vice-President of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan "Socar" Elshad Nassirov
30.03.22 - 00:39

- Taking the opportunity, I want to note the high level of organization of the International Investment Forum "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan" (OGT-2022), which has become one of the most important annual events in the energy calendar of the region.

The International Investment Forum «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan» started its work in Ashgabat
29.03.22 - 19:30

Today, the International Investment Forum «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan» (OGT-2022) began its work at the Ashgabat Yyldyz Hotel at 13:00. On the same day, a teleconference will be held with the participants of the Dubai International Exhibition EXPO – 2020.

The Energy Charter and the Gas Exporting Countries Forum are ready to intensify cooperation with Turkmenistan
29.03.22 - 19:31

The leaders of the Energy Charter and the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) in a letter to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated their desire to develop cooperation with Turkmenistan in the gas sector.

To the participants of the International Forum on Attracting Foreign Investments in the Oil and Gas Sector of Turkmenistan
30.03.22 - 14:16

I cordially congratulate you on the start of work of the International Forum on attracting foreign investments in the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan in the capital of our country – the city of Ashgabat in the time of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State! I wish you every success in the work of this Forum, which is intended to help popularize the achievements of the country’s oil and gas industry in the world!

The President of Turkmenistan approved the new composition of the government
29.03.22 - 00:25

During the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers last Friday, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the new composition of the government. The Head of State reinstated the Vice-Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, who resigned after the inauguration of the new President in accordance with the Constitution of the country.

On the stock exchange of Turkmenistan, fuel and energy products are sold to foreign and domestic markets
29.03.22 - 00:30

52 transactions were registered at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan over the past week.

Shakhym Abdrakhmanov was again appointed as Vice-Chairman of the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan
29.03.22 - 00:31

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a Decree on the appointment of Shakhym Abdrakhmanov as Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. The document was signed by the head of state during a government meeting held via video link last Friday.

Dovranguly Atahanov – Head of the Marketing and Logistics Department of the Closed Joint Stock Company “Turkmen National Oil and Gas Company”
28.03.22 - 02:12

“Today, the ongoing democratic processes in our country have been given a qualitatively new impetus. The road is open for young initiative leaders who are capable of taking responsibility for the fate of the Motherland and the people at the new stage in the development of the state.

Merdan Orazmuhammedov – Acting Deputy Head of the Turkmennebitonumleri General Directorate of the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries
28.03.22 - 00:34

“I am sure that 2022, the year of the election of the President of Turkmenistan, will mark the beginning of the rapid socioeconomic development of our beloved Motherland. President Serdar Gurbanguliyevich Berdimuhamedov defines his main task as the successful implementation of the Program “The Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: The National Program of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052” adopted at the meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh on February 11 this year.

Serdar Nuryagdiyev – Chief Geophysicist of the Turkmengeologiya State Corporation:
26.03.22 - 17:37

“On March 19, in the magnificent hall of the Ruhiyet Palace, we witnessed the most important event – the inauguration of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Gurbanguliyevich Berdimuhamedov. The ceremony itself was so solemn, so full of important details and traditions, including those rooted in the history of the Turkmen, that, more than ever, you could feel your involvement in the centuries-old annals of our people, in which another important page was inscribed.

Repairmen of the «Lebapgazchykarysh» department increase well productivity
26.03.22 - 17:40

The past year was successful for the specialists of the «Lebapgazchykarysh» department of the State Concern «Turkmengas». The growth rate for natural gas production compared to 2020 was 144%.

Preparations for the Oil and Gas Forum of Turkmenistan are underway
26.03.22 - 17:46

Next week – March 29-30 – the International Investment Forum «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan» will be held. It is organized by the State Concerns «Turkmengas», «Turkmennebit», «Turkmenchemistry» and the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» in partnership with the ES «Turkmen Forum» with the support of the British company GaffneyCline.

Tyazemyrat Myradov – Chief Power Engineer of the Turkmennebit State Concern – Head of the Main Energy Department:
25.03.22 - 01:27

“The confident victory in the Presidential elections held in our country on March 12 showed a high degree of trust of our people to the course, pursued in independent and permanently neutral Turkmenistan, and personally to Serdar Gurbanguliyevich Berdimuhamedov as a young, initiative and progressive leader, who had showed himself from the best side in all positions previously held.