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Presidents of Turkmenistan and Iran discussed by phone the development of cooperation in the fuel and energy complex, transport and other areas
14.12.21 - 20:21

During a telephone conversation, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of Iran Seyed Ebrahim Raisi discussed issues of developing cooperation in the fuel and energy complex, transport, agro-industrial complex and other spheres, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

President of Turkmenistan congratulated workers of the oil and gas industry and geology on their professional holiday
14.12.21 - 16:19

Today, December 14, Turkmenistan celebrates the Day of Oil and Gas Industry and Geology Workers. On this occasion, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent a congratulatory message to the workers of the oil and gas industry of our country.

International Day of Neutrality celebrated in Turkmenistan
16.12.21 - 22:48

Last Sunday, Turkmenistan celebrated w the International Day of Neutrality and the 26th anniversary of the adoption by the UN General Assembly of the Resolution on the permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan.

Fuel and energy complex enterprises took part in the second virtual exhibition, which opened in honor of the Day of Neutrality of Turkmenistan
10.12.21 - 19:43

On the eve of the Day of Neutrality of Turkmenistan, the second virtual exhibition of the economic achievements of our country was opened on Thursday. The exhibition is organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in partnership with ministries and departments, private enterprises of Turkmenistan.

Fitch has raised its forecast for oil prices for the coming years
09.12.21 - 21:24

The international rating agency Fitch Ratings has raised its forecasts for oil prices for the near future, follows from the December report of the Global Economic Outlook (GEO), Interfax reports.

Oil is confidently rising in price, the price of Brent rose to $76.42 per barrel
09.12.21 - 21:27

Oil prices are rising on Thursday on new signals that the spread of the omicron COVID-19 strain will not have such serious consequences for the global economy as initially expected, Interfax reported.

New Agarguyi gas field commissioned
09.12.21 - 21:26

The list of gas storage rooms operated by the «Lebapgazchykarysh» management of the State Concern «Turkmengas» has been replenished with the new Agarguyi field. Recently, two wells were drilled here, from which valuable hydrocarbon products were obtained.

New technologies make work at gas stations more comfortable
09.12.21 - 21:28

Employees of the Gubadag Oil Enterprise of the Main Directorate of «Turkmennebitonumleri» for 11 months of this year have demonstrated effective results of their activities. After major reconstruction, a filling station No. 170 was put into operation, located in the eastern part of the Gubadag-Dashoguz highway.

Aviation kerosene, liquefied gas and polyethylene are in the top of the exchange trades
07.12.21 - 22:42

At the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, 20 transactions were registered last week.

The industry meeting summed up the results of the fuel and energy complex for 11 months
07.12.21 - 22:44

On Monday, a reporting meeting was held in the Central building of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, at which the results of the work of the enterprises of the industry in January-November of the anniversary year, 2021, were discussed.

Anti-crisis program of Turkmenistan for 2022 approved
07.12.21 - 15:35

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved the Program to reduce the impact on the economy of Turkmenistan of the crisis in the world economy and the stable development of the national economy for 2022. The corresponding decree was published in the media of our country.

President of Turkmenistan: it is necessary to more effectively realize the potential of the fuel and energy complex
07.12.21 - 15:39

The results of the work of the branches of the national economic complex of Turkmenistan for eleven months of this year were discussed at an expanded government meeting chaired by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov last Friday. Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shakhym Abdrakhmanov reported on the results of work in the oil and gas sector during the reporting period.

The President of Turkmenistan is invited to the celebration of the Independence Day of India and the India-Central Asia Summit
03.12.21 - 21:43

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi invited President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to take part in the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Republic's independence and the India-Central Asia Summit. This is stated in a letter from the Prime Minister of India addressed to the Turkmen leader, published on Friday in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper.

EU Ambassador: Turkmenistan can supply natural gas to Europe until 2050
03.12.21 - 21:44

Turkmenistan has the opportunity to start supplying natural gas to the European market until 2050. This was stated by the Ambassador of the European Union to Turkmenistan Diego Ruiz Alonso in an interview with the Turkmen news agency ORIENT.

Employees of the «Galkynyshnebit» oil and gas production department have produced more than 49.8 thousand tons of oil in 11 months
02.12.21 - 20:55

Thanks to the introduction of advanced and innovative equipment, the oilmen of the «Galkynyshnebit» oil and gas production department of the State Concern Turkmennebit have reached a new high-quality level of work in the development of the Cheleken Peninsula subsoil, the subsoil of which contains large deposits of hydrocarbons.