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Construction is progressing
26.11.21 - 14:29

Since the number of various types of equipment is increasing every year, their uninterrupted supply of fuel and lubricants is becoming an urgent issue. In our country, intensive work to successfully resolve this issue is underway. Within the framework of the approved programs, local refineries will be reconstructed and new filling stations will be built.

Turkmenistan launched initiatives to expand partnerships within the framework of the EU-Central Asia format
23.11.21 - 22:47

A regular meeting of the heads of the foreign affairs agencies of Central Asia and the European Union in the «EU – Central Asia» format opened on November 22 in Dushanbe, the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan reports. The meeting was attended by a delegation of our country led by Deputy Foreign Minister Vepa Khadzhiev.

Following the results of the 5th meeting of the Turkmen-Chinese Committee for Cooperation, a package of documents was signed
23.11.21 - 22:48

On Monday, November 22, a regular, 5th meeting of the Turkmen-Chinese Committee for Cooperation was held. The meeting, organized by videoconference, was chaired by the co-chairman of the Turkmen part of the committee, Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov and co-chairman of the Chinese part of the committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council of the PRC Han Zheng.

Products of the TCOR and Turkmengaz are among the foreign exchange transactions at the auction
23.11.21 - 22:49

At the auction of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week, 37 transactions were registered.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov will discuss development of Turkmen-Chinese cooperation with Vice Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
23.11.21 - 22:45

Today, November 22, a video communication system will be held between the Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Vice Premier of the State Council of the PRC Han Zheng. This was reported by Xinghua news agency with reference to the official representative of the PRC Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian.

Turkmenistan joined the Agreement on the establishment of the Global Green Growth Institute
23.11.21 - 22:50

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the law of Turkmenistan «On joining the Agreement on the establishment of the Global Green Growth Institute». The document was published on Monday in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper.

At the meeting of the Turkmen-Chinese intergovernmental committee, issues of implementation of projects in the fuel and energy sector were discussed
20.11.21 - 20:01

The 7th meeting of the Subcommittee on Energy Cooperation of the Turkmen-Chinese Intergovernmental Committee was held on November 19, 2021 in an online format.

The Foreign Ministers of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea discussed the agenda of the upcoming «Central Asia – Korea» Forum
20.11.21 - 17:09

Foreign Ministers of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea Rashid Meredov and Chon Ui-Yong discussed by telephone the agenda of the 14th Central Asia-Korea Cooperation Forum, which is scheduled to be held on November 30 this year, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov spoke at the International Forum on Northern Economic Cooperation
20.11.21 - 17:10

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made an address by the digital system at the International Forum on Northern Economic Cooperation, which was held on Thursday in Seoul (Republic of Korea) in a hybrid format.

President of Turkmenistan and Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan discussed partnership in the spheres of energy and transport
20.11.21 - 17:11

Cooperation in the energy sector became one of the main topics of the meeting of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan Mikail Chingiz oglu Jabbarov, held in Ashgabat on Thursday.

The Consul General of Turkmenistan visited the facilities of the TATNEFT company in Tatarstan
19.11.21 - 14:38

The Consul General of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation (Kazan) Atadurdy Bayramov paid a working visit to the facilities of TATNEFT, the website of TATNEFT reports.

Representative of Kuwait Heisam al-Ghais is candidate for the post of new secretary general of OPEC
19.11.21 - 14:39

The candidacy of Kuwaiti representative Heissam al-Ghais for appointment to the post of OPEC secretary general from August 1, 2022 will be discussed at a meeting of cartel ministers in December, Kuwaiti Minister of Oil and Higher Education Mohammad Abdel Latif al-Fares told reporters on the sidelines of the ADIPEC-2021 International Oil and Gas Exhibition in Abu Dhabi.

Oil at its lowest since early October and continues to fall in price, Brent - $ 80 per barrel
19.11.21 - 14:40

Oil finished trading on Wednesday at the lowest level since early October and continues to fall in price.

TCOR expands the range of manufactured import-substituting products
17.11.21 - 19:45

Vice-Chairman Shakhym Abdrakhmanov reported on the expansion of types of import-substituting products produced at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries on Tuesday during a government meeting.

SC «Turkmengas» will purchase equipment from «Auguste International Fze» for the modernization of «Dovletabatgazchykarysh» installations
17.11.21 - 19:47

The State concern «Turkmengas» will purchase material and technical resources – equipment and spare parts – from Auguste International Fze (UAE) for the modernization of installations at the gas production stations of the Dovletabatgazchykarysh control.