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Reconstruction of gas stations in the 30th micro district of Ashgabat has begun
26.08.20 - 11:32

The modernization of one of the Ashgabat gas stations, located in the 30th micro district of the capital, is carried out by the self-supporting repair and construction enterprise of the General Directorate "Türkmennebitönümleri". Upon completion, the city gas station will be completely reconstructed.

Expanding the search for oil and gas fields
10.07.20 - 19:57

“Turkmengeologiya” State Corporation is implementing an extensive exploration program aimed at identifying new deposits of oil, gas and other natural resources. Thanks to the coordinated work of the geophysical expedition of the Lebap region of the SC “Turkmengeologiya”, the geography of exploration geophysical research and other works is expanding, acquiring a large-scale character.

WTL operates in Turkmenistan taking into account environmental conservation
10.07.20 - 19:53

In Turkmenistan, environmental protection is provided in a number of industries related to both oil production and its transportation, processing and use. As the Director of the Westport Trading Europe Limited branch in Turkmenistan, Allaberdy Ilyasov, told to the “Voice of the CIS” online radio, the American company has created samples of new-generation equipment that is successfully used in oil refining processes. The company's specialists develop a number of projects for the industrial sector, taking into account the preservation of the environmental environment.

OPEC + decision can accelerate recovery of oil market, - Mohammed Arkab
10.07.20 - 19:51

The decision of OPEC + ministers made on Saturday, June 6 may accelerate the recovery of the oil market, said on Monday the president of the OPEC conference, Minister of Energy of Algeria Mohammed Arkab, reports TASS.

Summed up the work of the fuel and energy complex for five months
10.07.20 - 19:48

Today, June 8, a reporting meeting was held in the Central building of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, chaired by the Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Myratgeldi Meredov, at which the results of the work of industry enterprises over the five months of 2020, held under the motto "Turkmenistan - Homeland of neutrality", were discussed. The meeting also examined important aspects of the implementation of the tasks assigned to the oil and gas complex.

The results of the fuel and energy complex for January-May were discussed at a government meeting
26.08.20 - 02:25

Last Friday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via video link, at which the results of the work of the national economy sectors, including the oil and gas complex, for five months of this year were summed up.

In the top exchange trading - products of the fuel and energy sector and the textile industry
10.07.20 - 19:43

Last week, 76 transactions were registered at the biddings of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.

Selective packers from IOGU will help increase oil well productivity
10.07.20 - 19:42

A significant part of the oil wells developed by the State Concern “Turkmennebit” consists of small formations, which creates certain difficulties in their development. High watering of productive formations, as well as other factors lead to a decrease in the productivity of oil wells. The development of hard-to-recover reserves and an increase in the efficiency of well operation require the introduction of modern methods of increasing oil recovery.

Issues of interaction with the Italian company ENI were discussed
10.07.20 - 19:40

On Thursday, an online meeting was held at the Central Office of the Oil and Gas Complex of Turkmenistan with ENI (Italian Republic) Executive Director for Central Asia Luca Vignati. The negotiations were attended by the Advisor to the President of Turkmenistan on oil and gas issues Yagshigeldy Kakaev.

IOGU students consolidate the theory with practice
10.07.20 - 19:36

The training of highly qualified specialists who are able to successfully solve production problems associated with new scientific developments is possible only if the educational process is closely connected with research work. Teachers and students in the laboratory of the Oil and Gas Faculty of the International Oil and Gas University of Turkmenistan (IOGU) regularly hold such events.

“Blue fuel” arrives in remote villages of Dashoguz region
10.07.20 - 15:51

Gas workers of the economic organization “S.Turkmenbashietrapgaz” of the “Dashoguzgazupdzhunchilik” management are increasing the pace of uninterrupted supply of blue fuel not only to cities and urban-type settlements, but primarily to remote villages in the western part of the Dashoguz region. Now natural gas is piped to more than 21,560 households and institutions.

Turkmenistan takes part in negotiations on modernizing the Energy Charter Treaty
26.08.20 - 02:05

The meeting of the group on modernization of the Energy Charter Treaty was held on Tuesday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan in the format of an online conference, the website of our foreign ministry reports.

The President instructed to speed up the implementation of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan energy bridge project
10.07.20 - 15:32

The issues of modernization and increasing the export potential of the electricity industry in Turkmenistan were discussed during a workshop held on Monday by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the participation of Vice Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shamuhammet Durdylyev and Minister of Energy Charymurad Purchekov.

Oil prices rise in anticipation of signals from OPEC+
10.07.20 - 15:29

Oil prices rise on Tuesday on reports that oil-producing countries, led by Russia and Saudi Arabia, may extend the current level of production cuts until September 1, INTERFAX said.

Turkmen section of TAPI gas pipeline brought to border with Afghanistan
26.08.20 - 13:54

A report on the pace of construction of the Turkmen section of the transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India was made at a government meeting last Friday by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Myratgeldi Meredov.