Her favorite profession inspires Ayjemal Ezizova to new scientific achievements
29.07.24 - 22:24The successful implementation of the tasks, set by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov before the country’s oil and gas complex to increase oil and gas production, and the prospecting of new fields for these purposes is facilitated by the activities of specialists from the Natural Gas Research Institute of the Türkmengaz State Concern. Among them is the heroine of my essay, Ayjemal Ezizova, who devoted about 30 years of her work to the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan.

IV. Gas industry of Turkmenistan: from the past to the present
12.08.24 - 17:24When the high efficiency of larger construction and installation work was proven at the Şatlyk gas condensate field, this method was also used at the Döwletabat-Donmez gas condensate field, which is one of the largest gas fields in terms of resources, as a result of which the field development time was reduced almost twofold, which certainly influenced the national economy. This production method was also used at the Üçajy, Seýrap, Malaý, 10 Years of Independence, Ýolguýi and other gas and gas condensate fields prepared for development.

Nebitçi on guard of oil workers’ health
26.07.24 - 14:58The state is a group of citizens, that is the population, whose wellbeing and standard of living demonstrate the level of stability of the state. Undoubtedly, stability in the state, as a key condition for the progressive improvement of the quality of life of the population, contributes to the growth of the country’s economic potential.

Ahal Hydrogeological Expedition is the leader of the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation
23.07.24 - 07:55The Ahal Hydrogeological Expedition of the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation is considered one of the leading organizations of our independent neutral Motherland.

Turkmenistan is actively promoting initiatives for the benefit of humankind
05.07.24 - 16:11Under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan is taking the forefront in solving the global challenges of our time, actively promoting large-scale initiatives and, most importantly, proposing ways to solve them. Positive initiatives, intended to bring enormous benefits to humanity, include ensuring energy security, efficiency and the diversification of energy supplies, addressing climate change, introducing innovations and using investments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The uninterrupted operation of the hydraulic structure is the merit of the service personnel
22.07.24 - 18:50The staff of one of the largest production structures of the Türkmengaz State Concern – the Marygazçykaryş Directorate are successfully coping with planned obligations for the extraction of natural gas from gas fields and its supply to consumers. To the work being carried out, the service enterprises of the Directorate make a worthy contribution too. In this regard, it is necessary to note the activity of employees of water treatment plants of the water and steam supply workshop of the consumer services enterprise.

From the history of oil production in Turkmenistan
23.07.24 - 07:56The first mention of oil in Turkmenistan, more precisely on the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, dates back to the 18th century. There is evidence that in 1782, 20 oil wells were used on Cheleken (popularly called “oil island”), from which up to 4,000 poods of oil a year were extracted. The oil was shipped in wineskins (bags made of animal skin) by boats – prototypes of modern tankers.

Work ennobles a person
27.06.24 - 20:51Any work ennobles people, strengthens their self-esteem and the ability to achieve goals and develops labor discipline. And that is not everything. With their hard work, the workers of the underground and major repair of wells of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate of the Türkmengaz State Concern also ennoble the chronicle of independent Turkmenistan, marking the success of this year, which is passing under the motto “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”.

The efforts of the repairmen of the directorates of the Nebitgazdüýpliabatlaýyş Trust are rewarded a hundredfold
19.06.24 - 21:33Turkmenistan is successfully implementing large-scale reforms in all areas, including the fuel and energy sector. In the successful implementation of the plans, aimed at the large-scale development of the oil and gas industry and its integration into the international energy system, a significant contribution is made by the labor collectives of the directorates of the Nebitgazdüýpliabatlaýyş Trust of the Türkmennebit State Concern, which conduct effective work at the fields in the Balkan velayat.

The team of Kukurtli linear production are the leaders of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate
19.06.24 - 21:34Specialists of the Kukurtli linear production site of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate of the Türkmengaz State Concern show their high skill and diligence in solving the responsible task of increasing the production of natural gas, which is the country’s enormous wealth, and delivering it to consumers. Thanks to their joint efforts, the completed reporting period of the current year was again marked by success. Line production workers take leading positions in the Directorate.

The team of Kukurtli linear production are the leaders of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate
20.06.24 - 13:07Specialists of the Kukurtli linear production site of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate of the Türkmengaz State Concern show their high skill and diligence in solving the responsible task of increasing the production of natural gas, which is the country’s enormous wealth, and delivering it to consumers. Thanks to their joint efforts, the completed reporting period of the current year was again marked by success. Line production workers take leading positions in the Directorate.

III. History of the development of the gas industry of Turkmenistan
14.06.24 - 15:29The path of development

II. Turkmenistan’s gas industry: from the past to the present

The workdays of gas workers at Daşoguzşähergaz are marked by success
11.06.24 - 21:00Gas workers of the Daşoguzşähergaz Gas Supply Organization of the Daşoguzgazüpjünçilik Directorate mark their workdays with worthy successes. Vivid evidence of this is the daily work of the friendly team to uninterruptedly supply organizations and enterprises of the administrative center of Dashoguz velayat, the city of Dashoguz, and the population of the bank of the Shabbat canal with natural gas. The results of the activities of the Organization’s gas workers for five months of the current year are evidence of this.

TCOR is the leader in the production of industrial products in the country
22.05.24 - 22:45In accordance with the economic strategy of the President of Turkmenistan, solving tasks of diversifying the entire national economic complex of our country is aimed at increasing the volume and expanding the range of manufactured products that are in great demand abroad. In this regard, the leader of the domestic fuel and energy industry, the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries (TCOR) of the Türkmennebit State Concern, carries out large-scale activities.