On the eve of significant dates, gas workers increase labor achievements
20.11.23 - 14:00

The 28th anniversary of the permanent neutrality of our Motherland and the Day of Workers of the Oil and Gas Industry and Geology are being celebrated with worthy labor achievements by gas workers of organizations and enterprises of the Türkmengaz State Concern and the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation, located on the territory of the Mary velayat.

Gas Workers of the Marygazüpjünçilik Directorate Are Intensively Preparing for the Forthcoming Winter Season
15.11.23 - 22:51

Currently, employees of gas supply organizations in cities and etraps of the Mary velayat of the Marygazüpjünçilik Directorate are carrying out high-quality preparatory work for the winter season in accordance with the established plan in order to avoid disruptions in the supply of “blue fuel”.

Directorate Are Preparing to Successfully Fulfill This Year’s Production Plans
09.11.23 - 16:27

One of the leaders in the production of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate of the Türkmengaz State Concern is a drilling master Oraz Durdykulov, who, despite his young age, skillfully manages the team entrusted to him and achieves the high-quality implementation of the assigned tasks for carrying out underground and major repairs of wells in the Directorate. The Head of the Geology Department of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate Berdy Kutliyev told us about this.

Celebrations to Mark the Opening of the Reconstructed Building of the Institute and New Residential Buildings Take Place in Balkanabat
02.11.23 - 17:37

Projects for the construction of facilities for various purposes, the reconstruction and modernization of existing buildings, successfully implemented in the Balkan velayat, serve as further evidence of the formation of the western part of the country as an economically important region. The series of modern modernized facilities in the velayat was supplemented by the reconstructed two-story building of the Nebitgazylmytaslama Institute of the Türkmennebit State Concern, which was solemnly put into operation in Balkanabat last week.

Goturdepe Oil Workers Aim to Wortily Celebrate the 28th Anniversary of the Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan
02.11.23 - 08:46

As is known, at an extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan on July 14, 2023, the Head of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, noting the achievements of all sectors of the national economy, especially emphasised the need for the successful implementation of the adopted development program for the domestic fuel and energy complex, aimed at strengthening its industrial and export capabilities.

The Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries Is the Leader of the National Economy of Turkmenistan
20.10.23 - 19:08

The oil and gas industry is one of the leading sectors of the national economy of Turkmenistan. Among the leading enterprises that consistently make a significant contribution to the development of the country’s oil and gas industry is the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries.

20.10.23 - 19:08

The woman scientist Toty Roziyeva devoted almost 50 years of her career to the profession of geologist. Articles in newspapers and magazines of different years, kept among archival records and telling about her activity, scientific publications written by the scientist herself and photographs published on the front pages, interested us and prompted to write this article.

Workers of the Transport Enterprise of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate Make a Significant Contribution to the Production of “Blue Fuel”
12.10.23 - 13:20

“Every time cars leave the gates of our Enterprise, going to distant destinations, we see them off with good wishes. Our drivers uninterruptedly deliver the necessary cargo to gas fields and industrial facilities located in the vast Karakum desert, thereby fulfilling an important mission.

Uninterrupted Transportation of Raw Materials is the Task of the Team of the Nayip Linear Production Site
13.09.23 - 14:54

The solid team of the Lebapgazçykaryş Directorate of the Türkmengaz State Concern is making every effort to commemorate the year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar” with grandiose labor achievements. Every month of this year their joint work is marked by high production indicators. Since the beginning of the current year, Lebap gas producers have produced about 6 billion 454.6 million cubic meters of “blue fuel”. As a result, the production plan was fulfilled by more than 114 percent.

Dashoguz Gas Workers Are Preparing to Worthily Celebrate the Main Holiday of the Country
30.08.23 - 18:55

Since the beginning of the year, workers and technical specialists of organizations and enterprises of the Daşoguzgazakdyryş Directorate have carried out large-scale work to prepare the heating systems of administrative and industrial buildings and gas transmission, gas compressor and gas distribution facilities for the autumn-winter season.

The Shatlyk Sanatorium-Preventorium on Guard of the Main Wealth of the Country
30.08.23 - 18:54

The Shatlyk Sanatorium-Preventorium, belonging to the social establishment of the Marygazçykaryş Directorate of the Türkmengaz State Concern, has been helping to improve the health of our compatriots for many years. Every year, thousands of pensioners, who have retired after long years of productive work, and people of various age and occupation come during their vacation to this Sanatorium, which can simultaneously receive 104 people, to take a break from everyday hustle and bustle and to improve their health.

The Team of the Dashoguz Hydrogeological Expedition is Preparing to Adequately Celebrate the Independence Day of Turkmenistan
23.08.23 - 16:21

The entire team of the Dashoguz Hydrogeological Expedition is diligently preparing for the forthcoming 32nd anniversary of the Independence Day of Turkmenistan in order to adequately celebrate the main state holiday, inscribed in golden letters in the rich history of our country.

Efficient Work Brings Significant Results
19.08.23 - 11:53

Specialists of the Balkan Velayat Directorate for the Reinforcement of Oil and Gas Wells of the Nebitgazburawlaýyş Trust of the Türkmennebit State Concern, guided by the instructions of the head of state, who in his speeches notes the need to modernize the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, work hard, marking the year “Happy Youth with Arkadagly Serdar” with new labor achievements. This is evidenced by the fulfillment by 138.8 percent of the plan for the establishment of aggregate services for drillers and well repairers of the Concern over the past seven months of the current year.

Seydi Oil Refinery Works ahead of Schedule
18.08.23 - 14:53

The Seydi oil refinery, one of the largest enterprises of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, which plays an important role in the country’s economy, is working effectively to successfully complete this year, proclaimed as “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, and to increase the production of petroleum products. Seven months of the significant year were successfully completed thanks to the hard work of processors.

“Blue Fuel” Warms Homes in Remote Areas of the Motherland
16.08.23 - 14:30

Concern for the wellbeing of the people is a key direction of the state policy, successfully pursued in the years of independence. In accordance with the National Program of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan, one of the main tasks carried out in the country is the gasification of settlements. To date, the benefits of “blue fuel” are also used by residents of remote settlements of our homeland.