Bagtyýar çagalaryň dynç alşy dowam edýär
12.08.24 - 11:21Güneşli Diýarymyzyň ähli künjeklerinde çagalaryň tomusky dynç alyş möwsümi dowam edýär.
Rest combined with treatment
14.08.24 - 15:41A vacation in a sanatorium is the best way to get away from everyday worries and to restore your failing health. It is also an opportunity to spend time with your family, to be alone with loved ones, to strengthen relationships and to improve communication.
Indicators of the oil and gas content of sediments
08.08.24 - 19:12For over 70 years, scientists at the Nebitgazylmytaslama Institute of the Türkmennebit State Concern have been studying the characteristics of common satellites of oil and gas fields – underground formation waters, which play a decisive role in the formation, storage and distribution of oil and gas deposits. Identifying their formation, movement, chemical composition, physical properties and natural patterns is of great importance as an indicator of the oil and gas content of sediments.
VI. The gas industry of Turkmenistan: from the past to the present
08.08.24 - 12:51In the mid-1980s, with the introduction of a number of small and large gas fields – Üçajy, Seýrap, Şorköl, Malaý, Garaçöp, Eastern Tejen and Bagaja – into experimental-industrial and industrial operation, the country’s gas industry continued its effective development, thereby increasing the volumes of produced “blue fuel”.
Отдых, совмещенный с лечением
14.08.24 - 10:48Отдых в санатории — это лучший способ побыть вдалеке от повседневных хлопот и восстановить пошатнувшееся здоровье. Это еще и возможность провести время с семьей, побыть наедине с близкими, укрепить взаимоотношения и наладить общение.
Показатели нефтегазоносности отложений
08.08.24 - 12:49Уже более 70 лет ученые института «Nebitgazylmytaslama» Государственного концерна «Туркменнебит» изучают особенности обычных спутников нефтегазовых месторождений – подземных пластовых вод, которые играют решающую роль в формировании, хранении и распределении залежей нефти и газа. Выявление их формирования, движения и химического состава, физических свойств и природную закономерность имеет большое значение как индикатор нефтегазоносности отложений.
VI. Газовая отрасль Туркменистана: от прошлого к настоящему
07.08.24 - 12:43В середине 80-х годов прошлого века с вводом в экспериментально-промышленную и промышленную эксплуатацию ряда малых и крупных газовых месторождений – Учаджи, Сейрап, Шоркёль, Малай, Гарачёп, Восточный Теджен, Багаджа газовая промышленность страны продолжила эффективное развитие, тем самым увеличились объемы добываемого «голубого топлива».
Hem şypaly, hem sapaly
06.08.24 - 10:40Ýurdumyzyň gözel ýerlerinde ýerleşýän şypahanalaryň mähellesi ýylyň ähli paslynda-da ýetik bolýar. Ýöne hut tomus paslynda ol ýerlerde dynç almak, saglygyny dikeltmek isleýän adamlaryň sany has artýar. Munuň şeýledigine Lebap welaýatynyň Çärjew etrabynyň çäginde ýerleşýän «Farap» şypahanasynda bolanyňda hem aýdyň göz ýetirmek bolýar.
VI. Türkmenistanyň gaz senagaty: geçmişden şu güne
06.08.24 - 10:39Geçen asyryň 80-nji ýyllarynyň ortalarynda ownukly-irili gaz känleriniň birnäçesiniň — Üçajy, Seýrap, Şorköl, Malaý, Garaçöp, Gündogar Tejen, Bagaja gaz känleriniň synag-senagat we senagat ulanyşyna girizilmegi bilen, ýurdumyzyň gaz senagatynyň ösüşli ýoly netijeli dowam edip, çykarylýan «mawy ýangyjyň» möçberleri has-da artdyryldy.
Çökündileriň nebitgazlylygynyň görkezijileri
06.08.24 - 10:37Institutymyzyň alymlary nebitgaz gorlary bilen bile duş gelýän ýerasty gatlak suwlarynyň aýratynlyklaryny indi 70 ýyldan hem gowrak wagtyň dowamynda toplumlaýyn öwrenýärler. Çünki ýerasty gatlak suwlary nebitgaz ýataklarynyň emele gelmeginde, saklanylmagynda we dargamagynda aýratyn kesgitleýji orny eýeleýär.
V. he gas industry of Turkmenistan: from the past to the present
02.08.24 - 19:11The 1970s were a very productive period for the gas industry of Turkmenistan. Through the efforts of oil and gas specialists and geologists of the country, many gas and gas condensate fields discovered in different years, which made a significant contribution to strengthening the national economy, were put into operation.
Her favorite profession inspires Ayjemal Ezizova to new scientific achievements
29.07.24 - 22:24The successful implementation of the tasks, set by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov before the country’s oil and gas complex to increase oil and gas production, and the prospecting of new fields for these purposes is facilitated by the activities of specialists from the Natural Gas Research Institute of the Türkmengaz State Concern. Among them is the heroine of my essay, Ayjemal Ezizova, who devoted about 30 years of her work to the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan.
Natural gas is a blessing that requires special attention
05.08.24 - 08:39The effective activities of the Baýramalyşähergaz Gas Supply Organization of the Marygazüpjünçilik Directorate, the clear and well-coordinated organization of the work of all the enterprise’s services ensure an uninterrupted year-round supply of “blue fuel” to the residents of the town of Bayramali.
Noble work is recompensed lavishly
05.08.24 - 08:38Held under the motto “The state is for people!”, put forward by the Hero-Arkadag, and based on the principles of Arkadagly Serdar, who proclaimed the principle “The Motherland is the Motherland only with the people!
Aýjemal Ezizowanyň söýgülän hünäri täze ylmy üstünliklere ruhlandyrýar
30.07.24 - 09:25«Türkmengaz» döwlet konserniniň Ylmy-barlag tebigy gaz institutynyň hünärmenleriniň alyp barýan işleri Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti Serdar Berdimuhamedowyň nebitiň we gazyň çykarylýan mukdaryny artdyrmak, şol maksat bilen täze ýataklaryň üstüni açmak boýunça ýurdumyzyň nebitgaz toplumynyň öňünde goýan wezipeleriniň üstünlikli ýerine ýetirilmegine ýardam edýär. Hünärmenleriň hatarynda şu oçerkiň gahrymany Aýjemal Ezizowa hem bolup, ol 30 ýyla golaý zähmet ýoluny Türkmenistanyň nebitgaz pudagyna bagyşlady.