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Products of TCOR were in the lead at the exchange trading
11.01.21 - 19:58

27 transactions were registered at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.

Romania can provide opportunities for Turkmen energy resources to enter the European market
08.01.21 - 20:58

Romania, due to its membership in the European Union, geographical location and participation in strategic regional energy projects, can provide long-term opportunities for Turkmen energy resources to enter the European market. Trend reports, it is said in a statement of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment of Romania.

Turkmenistan remains the leader among the suppliers of jet fuel to Georgia
12.01.21 - 18:55

For 11 months of 2020, Turkmenistan exported to Georgia more than 40 thousand tons of jet fuel produced at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries. This amounted to about 80% of the total volume of Georgian imports of aviation kerosene, according to the website of the Union of Importers of Oil Products of Georgia.

Gasification of Mary region
07.01.21 - 15:25

On the eve of the new year, 2021, workers of the construction and installation department for gasification of the Mary region of the «Turkmengazupjunchilik» association completed work to provide the population of the Vatan daikhan association with natural gas.

SOCAR Trading will purchase oil produced in Turkmenistan by Petronas
06.01.21 - 16:28

Over the next two years, SOCAR Trading (Azerbaijan) will purchase two million tons of oil from the Malaysian company Petronas, operating in Turkmenistan on the terms of a Production Sharing Agreement.

A gas compressor station at the Malay field prepares for commissioning
06.01.21 - 16:32

The issues of preparation for the commissioning of a number of infrastructure facilities of international importance were discussed during a working meeting that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held on January 4 via digital video communication with the participation of some Vice Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as mayors of regions and the capital.

January 2 declared a non-working day in Turkmenistan
06.01.21 - 16:36

January 2, 2021 is declared a non-working day in Turkmenistan. The corresponding decree was signed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on December 30 "in order to create favorable conditions for the population of the country for the solemn celebration of the New Year and good rest."

ES "Türkmen enjan" supplied polyethylene pipes for the Turkmen section of the TAPI gas pipeline
06.01.21 - 16:35

The Turkmen section of the TAPI gas pipeline has been supplied with 214 thousand meters of high-pressure polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 225 mm, produced by the Economic Society “Türkmen enjan”. These products will be used to supply water to the construction site.

Labor success of "Galkynyshnebit" management
06.01.21 - 16:34

The prospective subsoil of the Cheleken Peninsula, according to experts, contains large deposits of hydrocarbons. The production of hydrocarbons here is carried out by specialists of the “Galkynyshnebit” Oil and Gas Production Department of the SC “Turkmennebit”.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Turkmenistan intends to strengthen relations with neighboring countries in 2021
31.12.20 - 15:01

In 2021, Turkmenistan will strengthen bilateral cooperation with neighboring countries, relations with which are at a high level of trust. This was stated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at a meeting with the doyen (elder) of the diplomatic corps in Ashgabat, Ambassador of the Russian Federation Alexander Blokhin.

Reconstruction of two power plants of TCOR is planned
28.12.20 - 14:59

The Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries will sign a contract with the PRC (Hong Kong) company «INVEST Enterprises Limited», which is a member of the Consortium, and the private enterprise «Azap», for the reconstruction at the expense of its own funds of two head reduction electric power plants of the TCOR.

68 transactions were registered at the auction
28.12.20 - 14:49

68 transactions were registered at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.

For 11 months, Turkmenistan's revenues from the export of gas and oil products exceeded 4 billion US dollars
27.12.20 - 18:44

Turkmenistan's revenues from the export of natural gas and petrochemical products for 11 months of 2020 exceeded $ 4.13 billion. During this period, 8.7 million tons of oil and gas condensate, as well as 62.3 billion cubic meters of gas were produced. About 31 billion cubic meters of "blue fuel" were exported.

Japanese bank JBIC is ready to participate in the implementation of new large projects in Turkmenistan
24.12.20 - 14:47

Financial structures of Japan are interested in continuing investment activities in Turkmenistan. This was announced at a meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov with the head of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Tadashi Maeda, held on December 22 in the format of a video conference, the website of the foreign ministry of our country reports.

TATNEFT will increase production of additional oil in Turkmenistan by another 770 thousand tons
24.12.20 - 16:25

Expansion of the PJSC “TATNEFT” project in Turkmenistan, which is being implemented jointly with the State Concern “Turkmenneft”, will make it possible to additionally produce 770 thousand tons of oil. The head of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, announced this in an interview with TASS.