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Fuel and energy enterprises fulfilled the eleven-month plan for oil and gas production and processing
08.12.20 - 14:40

Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Myratgeldi Meredov reported on the results of the work of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex for eleven months of this year at a government meeting last Friday.

Construction work on the Afghan section of the TAPI gas pipeline to begin in Herat in 2021
08.12.20 - 14:42

Next year, construction work will begin in Herat on the Afghan section of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline. This was stated at a press conference by the Minister of Mines and Oil Industry of Afghanistan, Garun Chakhansuri, Afghan media reported.

GDP growth of Turkmenistan in January-November amounted to 5.8%
08.12.20 - 14:41

For eleven months of 2020, the growth rate of Turkmenistan's GDP increased by 5.8%, Vice-Chairman Gadyrgeldy Mushshikov said at a government meeting last Friday.

The amount of foreign exchange transactions on the exchange of Turkmenistan exceeded 56 million US dollars
08.12.20 - 14:43

262 transactions were registered at the auction of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.

OPEC + countries agree to increase oil production from January by 0.5 million barrels per day
06.12.20 - 06:35

OPEC+ ministers on Thursday approved the decision to increase oil production from January 2021 by 0.5 million barrels per day, meetings will be held on a monthly basis, sources in OPEC said, TASS reports.

Overhaul of gas pipelines in Lebap region is underway
05.12.20 - 17:59

A significant amount of work on the overhaul of gas pipelines in Lebap region was carried out by specialists of the construction and installation trust "Turkmengundogarnebitgurlushik".

Turkmenistan calls on OSCE to develop energy and transport in Central Asia and the Caspian regions
05.12.20 - 17:57

Turkmenistan calls on the OSCE to develop the energy and transport potential of the regions of Central Asia and the Caspian Sea. According to the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan, Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov said it at the 27th meeting of the OSCE Council of Ministers, which took place on December 3 in the capital of Albania in the format of a video conference.

Turkmen geologists discovered new fresh water deposits
09.12.20 - 14:53

Fresh water deposits were discovered in the Gurbansoltan eje province of the Dashoguz region by geologists of the hydrogeological expedition of the State Corporation "Turkmengeology". According to experts, the new fields "Chopanyap" and "Chagatyap" will help to solve the problem of reliable supply of clean drinking water to residents of the settlements of Sharlavuk, Dostluk, Ak altyn, Byashdash, Agzybirlik and Gumly.

The third day of the International Exhibition is dedicated to the achievements of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan
09.12.20 - 14:47

The third day of the International Exhibition, organized in honor of the 25th anniversary of the permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, is dedicated to the success in the development of the oil and gas complex of our country. The organizers of the thematic events are the State Concerns "Turkmengaz" and "Turkmennebit", the State Corporation "Turkmengeologia" and the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries.

International Energy Forum: Turkmenistan is a reliable and promising partner
03.12.20 - 01:56

The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Stable cooperation in the energy sector is the most important condition for global development" held on December 1 in Ashgabat, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan's neutrality, demonstrated the great interest of the international business community in mutually beneficial partnership with Turkmenistan, as one of the most important participants in the world energy market.

President held a meeting on the development of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan
03.12.20 - 01:57

On Tuesday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a digital video conference on the development of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan, which was attended by some Vice-Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and industry leaders.

Global Gas Hub stands ready to assist in promoting Turkmen gas in Central Asia and Europe
03.12.20 - 01:55

Turkmenistan can play a significant role in the region thanks to its resources and the projects that it implements for the benefit of both its people and the peoples of the entire planet. This was stated by the Executive Director of the Global Gas Center Valerie Ducro, speaking online at the International Conference "Sustainable Energy Cooperation - an Important Condition for Global Development", held on Tuesday in Ashgabat.

Priorities of SC "Turkmengas": from export of pipeline gas to its deep processing
02.12.20 - 00:19

The foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan is based on the principle of strengthening peace through sustainable development. This is one of the main components of the country's diplomacy, aimed at the practical implementation of joint economic and investment projects, creating favorable conditions for international cooperation.

The Energy Forum opened in Ashgabat timed to the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan's neutrality
01.12.20 - 19:16

Today in the building of the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern "Turkmengas" the International conference “Sustainable cooperation in the energy sector - important condition for universal development” has been opened. The forum dedicated to the energy diplomacy of Turkmenistan is timed to the 25th anniversary of the neutrality of our country.

To the participants of International online conference “Stable Cooperation in Energy Sphere – Important Condition of Global Development”
01.12.20 - 19:53

Let me extend my cordial congratulations on the beginning of work of International online conference “Stable Cooperation in Energy Sphere – Important Condition of Global Development”! The forum, which is dedicated to constructive energy diplomacy of our country, has started its work in its capital, the city of Ashgabat on the threshold of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan in the year, which is held under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality”.