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Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Turkmenistan is ready to consider the issue of gas supplies to Turkey today
18.03.23 - 16:21

Turkmenistan is ready today to consider the issue of supplying its gas to Turkey. This was stated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, speaking at the summit of the Organization of Turkic States as a representative of an observer country and a member of the Council of Elders of the UTC, TDH reports.

Prospects for cooperation in industry, energy and other areas were discussed at the Turkmen-Tatarstan business forum
16.03.23 - 23:50

Prospects for partnership in the fields of industry, energy, agriculture and transport between the business circles of Turkmenistan and Tatarstan were discussed at the Turkmen-Tatarstan business forum, held on Wednesday in Ashgabat.

Delegation of Turkmenistan held talks on WTO accession in Geneva
16.03.23 - 00:52

The delegation of Turkmenistan headed by the Chairman of the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan R. Dzhepbarov held a number of meetings with representatives of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Trade Center and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, headquartered in Geneva (Switzerland).

Companies of Turkmenistan and Great Britain discussed the possibilities of cooperation with the field of «green» energy
16.03.23 - 00:51

Opportunities for developing cooperation in the field of renewable energy sources were discussed during a round table with the participation of representatives of state structures of Turkmenistan and specialized companies in the UK. This was reported by the British Embassy in Turkmenistan on its Instagram page.

High-ranking representatives of Turkmenistan and the UAE will take part in the International Investment Roadshow in Dubai
16.03.23 - 00:50

Currently, preparations are underway for the upcoming International Roadshow on April 26-27 to attract foreign investment in the energy sector of Turkmenistan. According to the organizers of the forum, participation in it has already been confirmed by high-ranking representatives of the government of Turkmenistan, as well as the government of the United Arab Emirates.

The President instructed government members to control the quality and timing of the construction of large facilities
14.03.23 - 23:22

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a decree instructing the vice-chairmen, heads of the regions and the city of Ashgabat to control the high-quality completion of construction and commissioning of large industrial and social facilities in 2023.

Great demand for the products of the SC «Turkmennebit» at the auction
14.03.23 - 23:21

33 transactions were registered at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.

Roadshow in Dubai to present projects from hydrocarbon development to green energy in Turkmenistan
15.03.23 - 16:35

The Roadshow to Attract Foreign Investments in Turkmenistan’s Energy Sector will be held at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Dubai on April 26 and 27, 2023. The Roadshow‘s principal organizers are the State Concerns "Turkmengas" and" Turkmennebit", and the State Corporation “Turkmengeology” in partnership with Turkmen Forum and UK-based GaffneyCline.

Turkmenistan to build second combined-cycle power plant with a capacity of 1574 MW
13.03.23 - 21:12

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov has approved a proposal to build in our country a second power plant with a capacity of 1574 MW with combined cycle gas cycle. The proposal to build it on the territory of the Balkan velayat was announced at a government meeting last Friday by Vice-Chairman Baymurad Annamammedov.

President: road show in Dubai is important in attracting foreign capital to the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan
13.03.23 - 21:11

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of the upcoming roadshow in Dubai (UAE) in attracting foreign capital to the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan.

Products of Turkmen entrepreneurs - motor oils "GM OIL" - enter the market
10.03.23 - 21:22

The individual enterprise "Geljege Miras", located in the industrial zone of Ak Bugday etrap, Akhal region, has mastered the production of motor oils for cars and trucks and has already sent the first batches of products abroad.

Various types of fuel were in high demand at exchange auctions
10.03.23 - 21:21

During the current week, 29 transactions were concluded at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan for a total of $28.4 million and 32.6 million Turkmen manats, ORIENT reports. A significant part of the total amount of transactions fell on the purchase of various types of fuel.

Afghanistan is ready to start work on the TAPI gas pipeline, - media
10.03.23 - 00:36

The Afghan Ministry of Mines and Oil has announced its readiness to start practical work on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline project, the Pakistani BaaghiTV agency reports.

Solemn celebrations of mothers of many children were held in Turkmenistan
10.03.23 - 00:35

On the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8, solemn ceremonies honoring mothers of large families were held in Turkmenistan.

Ashgabat and Tashkent intend to strengthen cooperation in the field of transport, fuel and energy complex and other areas
07.03.23 - 21:38

Issues of expanding trade and economic cooperation were discussed during the 17th meeting of the Joint Turkmen-Uzbek intergovernmental commission on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation, which was held on Monday in the capital of Turkmenistan. This is reported by the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.