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Drillers of the trust "Nebitgazburawlayysh" commissioned new wells
10.04.23 - 22:01

In the first three months of 2023, which is held under the motto "The Year of Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar", the drillers of the "Nebitgazburawlayysh" trust of the State Concern "Turkmennebit", which takes an active part in the implementation of the "Program for the development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan for the period up to 2030", successfully completed drilling operations and commissioned six wells to oil producers. The drillers of the Goturdepe and Nebitdag drilling departments made a worthy contribution to the achievement of labor success.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov proposed to amend the legislation to improve the business climate in the country
07.04.23 - 22:21

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov proposed to the new Mejlis of Turkmenistan to amend the Tax Code, Customs Code and other laws to improve the business climate in our country.

The President of Turkmenistan invited the Mejlis to improve the laws “On Foreign Investments” and “On Hydrocarbon Resources”
07.04.23 - 22:20

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov proposed to the new Mejlis of Turkmenistan to improve the laws “On Foreign Investments” and “On Hydrocarbon Resources” in order to attract foreign investment and technology.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov discussed with members of the Turkmen-American Business Council the possibilities of expanding cooperation
06.04.23 - 23:38

Opportunities for expanding economic cooperation were discussed Wednesday at a meeting between President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and a US business delegation headed by Executive Director of the Turkmen-American Business Council Eric Stewart.

BP to build first remote-controlled offshore platform in Azerbaijan
05.04.23 - 23:39

The world’s first BP offshore platform capable of remote control is being built in Azerbaijan, Gary Jones, BP Regional President for Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, said, PRIME reported.

Opportunities to increase trade turnover between Turkmenistan and Turkey discussed
05.04.23 - 23:39

Issues of intensifying cooperation in increasing the volume of trade between the two countries were discussed by the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the Chairman of the Union of Chambers and Exchanges of Turkey Rifat Hisarciklyoglu.

Turkmenistan purchased mobile drilling rigs from China
04.04.23 - 21:59

Turkmenistan has acquired new mobile drilling rigs made in China, which will help accelerate the pace of work on the development of oil and gas fields in our country. Machines of the XJ 450 and XJ 650 series have already been tested at the Barsagelmez and Gonurdepe fields in the Balkan region.

A tender for the turnkey construction of a separation, condensate collection and pumping unit at the Uzynada field was announced
04.04.23 - 21:58

The State Concern “Turkmennebit” has announced an international open tender for the development of proposals for the design, supply of equipment and materials, turnkey construction and provision of services for the commissioning of a separation, condensate collection and pumping unit at the Uzynada field.

Measures in the oil and gas complex were taken to hold elections at the proper level
03.04.23 - 22:12

Last Friday, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers by digital system, at which the results of the elections of deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of the velayat (regional), etrap (province), city halk maslahaty and gengeshes were considered.

Products of SOR, SC “Turkmengas”, “Turkmennebit” and “Turkmenchemistry” were sold for foreign currency at exchange auctions
03.04.23 - 22:11

Last week, 32 transactions were registered at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.

A new well is being drilled in the Balkan velayat on the Guyjik area
31.03.23 - 22:15

Production well No. 148 with a design depth of 2,060 meters is being drilled at the Guyjik area in the Balkan region.

Liquefied gas sold for export at exchange auctions
31.03.23 - 22:14

At the auction of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, held on Wednesday, March 29, 7 transactions were concluded for a total of $1.3 million.

Laboratory of refrigeration and air conditioning units was opened at the oil and gas university of Turkmenistan
30.03.23 - 22:09

A laboratory of refrigeration and air conditioning units was opened at the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, together with the UN Regional Organization for Industrial Development (UNIDO).

The final results of the elections of deputies to the Mejlis, members of the Halk Maslahaty and Gengeshes have been summed up
30.03.23 - 22:10

The final results of the nationwide elections of deputies of the Mejlis, members of the halk maslahaty and Gengeshes, held on March 26, were summed up on Wednesday at a meeting of the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan (CEC), TDH reports.

Management of «Gumdagnebit» significantly increased the rate of production growth in January-February
30.03.23 - 22:11

Oil and gas production department «Gumdagnebit» of the State Concern «Turkmennebit» in January-February 2023, held under the motto «The Year of Happy Youth with Arkadagly Serdar», ensured the production of about 91 thousand tons of oil from existing wells. At the same time, the plan for the reporting period was fulfilled by 112 percent. Compared to the same period last year, the achieved growth rate exceeded 124 percent.