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Ashgabat and Tashkent intend to strengthen cooperation in the field of transport, fuel and energy complex and other areas
07.03.23 - 21:38

Issues of expanding trade and economic cooperation were discussed during the 17th meeting of the Joint Turkmen-Uzbek intergovernmental commission on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation, which was held on Monday in the capital of Turkmenistan. This is reported by the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

The results of work of the fuel and energy complex of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan for two months 2023 were considered at the industry meeting
07.03.23 - 21:35

A reporting meeting was held in the Central building of the Oil and Gas Complex of Turkmenistan, at which the results of the work of enterprises in the industry for January-February of this year, held under the motto «The Year of Happy Youth with Arkadagly Serdar», were discussed.

GDP growth rates of Turkmenistan for January-February remain at the level of 6.2%
06.03.23 - 21:13

The growth rates of Turkmenistan's GDP for the first two months remain at the level of 6.2%, which indicates that the state continues to develop dynamically. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said this at a government meeting last Friday, at which the results of the development of industries in January-February 2023 were summed up.

At the government meeting, the results of the work of the fuel and energy complex for January-February were summed up
06.03.23 - 21:12

The results of the work of the sectors of the national economy for January-February 2023 were summed up at the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, which President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held via digital system last Friday.

The President of Turkmenistan called on the Non-Aligned Countries to form a global energy security system
03.03.23 - 20:57

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov called on the active participation of the Non-Aligned States in the formation of the global energy security system. The head of Turkmenistan stated this at the Summit of the Contact Group of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to combat COVID-19, held on Thursday in the capital of Azerbaijan.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Ilham Aliyev discussed priorities of interstate partnership in Baku
03.03.23 - 20:56

During the working visit of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to Azerbaijan to participate in the Summit of the Contact Group of the Non-Aligned Movement to Combat COVID-19, the head of Turkmenistan met with President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Shavkat Mirziyoyev discussed promotion of joint projects in Baku
03.03.23 - 20:55

On Thursday, after the plenary session of the Non-Aligned Movement Contact Group Summit on Combating COVID-19 in Baku, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov had a brief meeting with his Uzbek counterpart Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Ashgabat proposes to intensify cooperation in the fields of energy and transport in Central Asia and the Caspian basin
02.03.23 - 21:16

Speaking at the meeting of the heads of foreign affairs agencies of the Central Asian countries and the United States in the C5 + 1 format, Turkmen Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov focused on the need to intensify energy and transport cooperation in the region of Central Asia and the Caspian basin. This is reported by the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

Foreign Ministers of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan discussed priority areas of cooperation
02.03.23 - 21:14

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov, as part of the C5 + 1 meeting in Astana, held bilateral talks with colleagues from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. This is reported by the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country.

Petroleum products and textiles were in special demand at exchange auctions among foreign buyers
01.03.23 - 21:46

13 transactions were registered at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.

Azerbaijan imported over 857 million cubic meters of Turkmen natural gas in 2022
01.03.23 - 21:44

In 2022, Azerbaijan imported over 857 million cubic meters of Turkmen natural gas. This was reported by the Interfax-Azerbaijan agency with reference to the Azerbaijani government.

Lebap gas workers produced more than 1 billion cubic meters of «blue fuel» in January
28.02.23 - 18:50

From the first days of 2023, proclaimed the “Year of Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, the workers of the “Lebapgazchykarysh” department of the State Concern “Turkmengas” have been diligently working to increase the production of “blue fuel”.

The Decree of the President is designed to increase state control over the use of petroleum products
28.02.23 - 03:34

The President of Turkmenistan signed a Resolution aimed at improving the efficiency of state control over the storage and rational use of petroleum products.

Optimal use of hydrocarbon resources is the most important task for the oil and gas industry
28.02.23 - 03:35

In order to improve the efficiency of the use of petroleum products, Turkmenistan takes effective measures to control their consumption. Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ashirguly Begliev reported on the ongoing work on the rational use of energy resources.

OPEC notes the upward trend in global oil demand
24.02.23 - 22:05

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in its new monthly report revised upwards global oil demand for 2023. The forecast is based on market activity in January 2023.