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The Investment Program of Turkmenistan for 2023 in the amount of 37.4 billion manats was approved
15.02.23 - 03:17

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the Investment Program of Turkmenistan for 2023, according to which the volume of capital investments in the national economy will amount to 37.4 billion manats. The corresponding decree of the head of state was published in the leading media of our country.

The President of Turkmenistan approved the Program of social and economic development of the country for 2023
15.02.23 - 03:15

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a resolution approving the Program for the socio-economic development of the country in 2023. This document was signed by the head of state during an expanded government meeting last Friday.

Turkmenistan's GDP growth in 2022 amounted to 6.2%
15.02.23 - 03:20

At the end of 2022, the GDP growth of Turkmenistan amounted to 6.2%. This was stated by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, speaking at an extended meeting of the government last Friday, at which the results of the country's socio-economic development over the past year were summed up.

Products of TCOR and SC «Turkmennebit» were sold at the auction
15.02.23 - 03:19

79 transactions were registered at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.

The results of the work of the fuel and energy complex for 2022 were summed up at a meeting of the government of Turkmenistan
14.02.23 - 16:11

Last Friday, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held an expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which the results of the development of the country's economy for 2022 were summed up, personnel decisions were made and promising tasks for the socio-economic development of our state for the current year were made.

UAE companies will take part in the development of the Galkynysh field and the implementation of other projects in Turkmenistan
14.02.23 - 16:10

Major oil and gas companies of the UAE will take an active part in the development of the next stages of the supergiant gas field «Galkynysh» and in the implementation of other energy projects in Turkmenistan. This is provided for by the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the energy sector between the State Concern «Turkmengas» and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC).

New Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan for Fuel and Energy Complex Appointed
14.02.23 - 16:08

Ashirguly Begliev has been appointed as the new Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan for the fuel and energy complex. The corresponding Decree was signed by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov during the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers following the results of 2022 last Friday.

Turkmenistan leads in the cheapest gasoline prices in the countries of Central Asia and the CIS
10.02.23 - 22:13

The cheapest gasoline in the Central Asian region and the CIS is in Turkmenistan. This conclusion is confirmed by the data provided in the world ranking of automotive fuel prices compiled by the GlobalPetrolPrices portal as of January 30th.

Pakistan is ready to implement the TAPI gas pipeline, - media
10.02.23 - 22:11

Pakistan has shown readiness to proceed with the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project with or without India, as Afghanistan is ready to assemble special forces for this project. This was stated by Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Resources Musadik Malik during his recent visit to Saudi Arabia, writes Business Recorder, a daily financial newspaper in Pakistan.

New technologies at the oldest fields
10.02.23 - 22:12

In 2023, the Gumdag field, located in the western region of Turkmenistan, «celebrated» its 75-year milestone of industrial development. The first long-awaited oil inflow was obtained at well No. 1 in 1947.

Hero-Arkadag: The disaster in Turkey also affected the citizens of Turkmenistan, the state is ready to support them
09.02.23 - 21:47

The devastating earthquake that occurred in Turkey affected both those who were in this country at that time and the citizens of Turkmenistan. This was stated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during his visit to the Turkish Embassy in Ashgabat on Wednesday.

Turkmenistan sent humanitarian aid to the fraternal people of Turkey
10.02.23 - 01:01

On the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, on February 7, humanitarian aid was sent to Turkey to the fraternal people of a friendly state that suffered as a result of a severe earthquake. Humanitarian cargo consists of medicines, medical supplies and textiles.

Products of the fuel and energy complex were sold at the exchange auctions to the foreign and domestic markets
09.02.23 - 21:46

On Tuesday, February 7, at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, 50 transactions were concluded for a total of 38.4 million US dollars and 26 million manats, the ORIENT agency reports.

The President of Turkmenistan ordered to send liquefied gas to Uzbekistan free of charge
08.02.23 - 22:22

Turkmenistan will send a batch of liquefied gas to Uzbekistan to support the neighboring country, which experiences a shortage of fuel resources in the winter.

Issues of expanding the Turkmen-Chinese partnership discussed in Beijing
08.02.23 - 22:24

Ambassador of Turkmenistan to China Parahat Durdyev met with the director of the International Educational College of Xi'an Petroleum University and the Silk Road Energy College Ms. Dong Hao in Beijing, Orient reports.