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The President of Turkmenistan launched the construction of new wells at the Galkynysh gas field
23.08.21 - 22:07

Today, on August 23, with the participation of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a solemn ceremony was held dedicated to the start of construction of new gas wells at the world's largest gas field «Galkynysh» in the Iolotan etrap of Mary region.

Fitch Ratings assigned credit ratings to Turkmenistan at «B» and «B + stable»
24.08.21 - 15:20

The international rating agency «Fitch Ratings» has assigned Turkmenistan a short-term rating at «B» and a long-term rating at «B+ stable», the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan reports.

Olympic medalist Polina Guryeva presented with gifts from the President of Turkmenistan
24.08.21 - 15:21

Last Saturday, August 21, in the Olympic town of the capital, a solemn ceremony of presenting state awards to the silver medalist of Turkmenistan in the XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo – Polina Guryeva was held.

More than 82 thousand tons of oil were produced at the Yashyldepe field in seven months
21.08.21 - 03:02

Specialists of the Yashyldepe Oil and Gas Production Department, who carry out oil operations in the fields rich in hydrocarbon raw materials in the Balkan region, are confidently moving towards high levels in a year, the motto of which is “Turkmenistan – Homeland of Peace and Trust”.

Installation of equipment in the energy service center of Turkmenistan started
22.08.21 - 03:47

The specialists of the contracting organization – the Çalık Enerji company – have started equipping the Center for the repair and maintenance of power equipment, «Turkmenistan: Golden Age» website reports. The center is being built by order of the State Corporation «Turkmenenergo».

State agencies of Turkmenistan are in contact with the Taliban on the protection of the state border with Afghanistan, - Foreign Ministry
20.08.21 - 16:16

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan reports that employees of the diplomatic service and other state bodies of the country maintain regular contacts with representatives of the Taliban movement on the protection of the state border, provision of customs, sanitary, phytosanitary and other types of control and supervision carried out when moving goods across the border. This is stated in the message of the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

Embassy and Consulates General of Turkmenistan in Afghanistan are operating in normal mode, - MFA
20.08.21 - 16:18

In connection with the current internal political situation in Afghanistan, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Kabul and the Consulates General of the country in Herat and Mazar-e-Sharif continue to operate in normal mode. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

Turkmenistan provides airspace for foreign ships to evacuate citizens from Afghanistan
20.08.21 - 16:20

Turkmenistan provides its airspace to foreign vessels for the evacuation of citizens from Afghanistan, the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan said on Thursday.

Taliban is interested in the implementation of the TAPI gas pipeline and other infrastructure projects in Afghanistan, -representative
20.08.21 - 16:17

The «Taliban» is interested in the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) transnational gas pipeline and other major infrastructure projects in the country, Mohammad Sohail Shahin, spokesman for the movement's Qatari political office, told to Sky News on Tuesday.

Labor success of the drillers of the «Nebitdag» management
20.08.21 - 16:19

High production indicators summed up the past period of the year, which is held under the motto «Turkmenistan – Homeland of Peace and Trust», drillers of the «Nebitdag» drilling department of the State Concern «Turkmennebit». For seven months of this year, the depth of rock sinking was 11,535 meters.

At the exchange trading, TCOR products were sold to foreign and domestic markets
16.08.21 - 21:47

At the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, 35 transactions were registered last week.

The «Marygazupjunchilik» department is preparing gas networks for the autumn-winter season
16.08.21 - 21:49

Employees of the «Marygazupjunchilik» department have partially completed and continue to carry out a further set of important measures for uninterrupted and trouble-free gas supply in the autumn-winter period.

Liquefied gas production department of Lebap region is confidently increasing production volumes
13.08.21 - 20:58

The specialists of the liquefied gas production department of Lebap region approach the celebration of the glorious date of the 30th anniversary of the state independence of Turkmenistan with high production indicators. For seven months of this year, the growth rate for the production of liquefied gas compared to the same period in 2020 amounted to 106.8%. About 44 thousand tons of commercial products were produced.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev invited the President of Turkmenistan to pay an official visit to Uzbekistan
13.08.21 - 20:59

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev invited the head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to pay an official visit to Uzbekistan at any convenient time. This is stated in the letter of the Uzbek leader addressed to the head of the Turkmen state, published in the newspaper «Neutral Turkmenistan».

Emomali Rahmon invited Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to participate in the SCO anniversary summit
12.08.21 - 20:22

President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon has sent an invitation to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to participate in the anniversary SCO summit, which will take place on September 16-17 in Dushanbe. The corresponding letter was published today in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper.