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At the exchange of Turkmenistan, the amount of foreign transactions exceeded 3.1 million US dollars
03.08.21 - 17:03

Over the past week, 9 transactions were registered at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.

At the government meeting, the results of the fuel and energy complex for January-July 2021 were summed up
03.08.21 - 17:05

Last Friday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who was on a working trip to the Balkan region, held an off-site meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Avaza National Tourist Zone, which summed up the economic development of the sectors of the economy of Turkmenistan for seven months of 2021.

Representatives of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan discussed the prospects for joint development of the Dostluk field in the Caspian sea
30.07.21 - 16:58

Ashgabat hosted a two-day meeting of the joint Turkmen-Azerbaijani working group on the implementation of the intergovernmental Memorandum of Understanding on joint exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources at the Dostluk field in the Caspian Sea, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports.

International tender for the construction of a polyvinyl acetate plant has been announced
30.07.21 - 22:36

The state concern «Turkmengas» has announced an international tender for the design and construction of a «turnkey» gas chemical plant for the production of polyvinyl acetate in the Dashoguz region. The text of the tender was published in the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper.

In the Balkan region, productive wells are switched to gas lift
29.07.21 - 20:09

Work on the development of rich oil fields in the Esenguly etrap of the Balkan region is gaining momentum. In the region, work is under way to drill new, deeper wells.

Gamyshlydzhanebit: 361.4 thousand tons of oil produced in six months
27.07.21 - 17:31

Masters of "black gold" of the oil and gas production department "Gamyshlydzhanebit" make a worthy contribution to the increase in production growth rates at the State Concern "Turkmennebit".

The next well of the Malay field gave a industrial gas inflow
27.07.21 - 17:32

At the Malay field, as a result of drilling another well, an industrial gas flow with a flow rate of more than 400 thousand cubic meters per day was given. The drilling works were carried out by the foremen of the «Turkmengazburavlayysh» department of the State Concern «Turkmengas».

TCOR produced more than 26 thousand tons of liquefied gas in six months
28.07.21 - 20:09

The Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries, which is one of the largest industrial enterprises in the country, is increasing the volume of certain types of high-quality products in demand both in the domestic and foreign markets.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov in Tokyo discussed prospects of interstate partnership with members of the Japanese government
27.07.21 - 02:16

Deputy Prime Minister Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who headed the Turkmen delegation at the XXXII Summer Olympic Games, discussed in Tokyo the prospects for the development of Turkmen-Japanese cooperation in priority areas with the leadership of the Japanese government and business representatives.

PRC company will complete the construction of three gas wells at the Galkynysh field
23.07.21 - 19:33

The State Concern «Turkmengas» will conclude a contract with the Chinese company CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering to complete the construction of three gas wells of special complexity at the Galkynysh field.

State Concern «Turkmengas» informs
25.07.21 - 13:13

 State Concern «Turkmengas» informs that the following Tenders are canceled:

British company Petro Gas LLP will build the third berth of the day TCOR
25.07.21 - 14:15

The Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries will sign a contract with Petro Gas LLP (UK) for the design and construction of a third berth at the Kenar enterprise for the storage and shipment of petroleum products. The corresponding decree approving the deal was signed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated Turkmen citizens on the Eid al-Adha holiday
20.07.21 - 17:15

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated compatriots on the holiday of Eid al-Adha.

Avaza will host the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia on August 6
19.07.21 - 19:22

A consultative meeting of the heads of state of Central Asia is scheduled for August 6 in the Avaza National Tourist Zone. The high-level summit will be accompanied by a number of major regional events.

Diesel and jet fuel produced by TCOR were sold at exchange auctions
19.07.21 - 19:23

23 transactions were registered at the auction of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.