Seydi oil refinery exceeded production plan in January-April

01:22 20.05.2022 3826

 Employees of the Seydi oil refinery have achieved high production results in four months of this year.  During this period, the processing of raw materials at the enterprise amounted to about 162.8 thousand tons, while the plan was fulfilled by 120.6%.

 155.9 thousand tons of finished products were produced from processed raw materials, the implementation of the plan amounted to more than 124%.  Over the past period, the main volume of production, in particular, more than 83.5 thousand tons, falls on the share of gasoline.  It should be noted that this figure for the same period last year was more than 76.4 thousand tons.  Thus, the growth rate for the reporting period reached 109.3%.

 Among the oil products that are in great demand, a considerable part falls on the share of diesel fuel.  During the reporting period, more than 43.5 thousand tons of this marketable product was produced, while the plan for four months was fulfilled by 122%.  The production of road bitumen and vacuum gas oil also reached a high level.

 Experts attribute these successes to the modernization and commissioning of new production facilities.  Serious transformations have taken place here over the years of independence.  Reconstruction of the main unit of the catholic reformer LÇ-35 – 11/1000 contributed to the establishment of efficient production.  And with the commissioning of the road bitumen production unit, the number of products produced also increased.

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